...and Zoidberg...
Is the reason why people are bashing Symbian and because every idiot reviewer who does a review of a Symbian phone does it in 5 minutes from the pub and therefore wouldnt know the phones ass from its elbow.
Then you have the traditional Nokia stance of 'advertising...? whats that then?'... and the rest is fanboi-tastic. I swear the Symbian platform has gotten more advertising from negative reviews than it has from anything else. Alot of people wouldnt know it exists otherwise.
Its fun to poke fun at Symbian v5 and even AAS have done it on occasion, lambasting Nokia for gormless product decisions (N97 anyone?). However people seem to miss the point and its an important one. The ONLY place the Symbian handsets lag is in their current UI.
Listen carefully folks - this is the important part.
In practically every other field they are either better, equal, or much better. Theyve had features that are touted as new by other OS manufacturers for years...
Dual processors - Nokia E70 206mhz - 2006
Output to Projector - Nokia E70 - 2006
Output to TV - Nokia N93 onwards - 2007
Discriminate Graphics Processor- N93 again - 2007
Need I go on?
The OS runs on much less intensive cores, so when its idling its using a fair amount less power processor for processor, but this is another important part, when its working its little heart out to play your futurama episodes out to the TV via TV-Out or HDMI.... its using substantially less power to do that, so even at full power it might be using less mA than a iPhone at 50% processor usage.
I would venture to suggest that if the new Belle update concentrates more on the UI than on other improvements (which to be fair are not really needed all that much since the system is comparable in function to anything else) then Elops idea to hum unto the Microsoft might fall down round his ears - and Apple might find their wheezy cameras and limited functionality are really getting put to the test function for function. Android... crashtastic, flakey signal, cr-app-tastic is also at risk, because to make a usable 'droid phone you need a step up in processor power, and therefore a step up in component costs.
The only OS of the top three that I havent tested is iOS, mainly because even touching apple products makes me feel dirty. I have had two manufacturer baked Android phones, and they've been pitiful on signal (no signal where the E70 gets 4/6 bars) and flakey on software, spontaneous reboots. Ive had a dual booting HTC diamond for a while and the Android on that was painful to say the least. Yet an E70 with 206mhz processors, that is 6 years old, can run rings around them.
But the really ironic thing... the thing that makes me laugh, is that Windows Mobile 6.1/6.5 outperforms Android - is much more stable - and can do everything that the current flock can do, and ALWAYS COULD.
But it wasnt pretty enough was it - and you had to think to use it - so now its confined to its coffin with dead iOS fanbois put to good use as the nails.
I dont recall the definition of the word progress as being "take all the functions off it, make it simple to use, use processors that need the power output of the falcons hyperdrive, and make it crash every second hour' but then I learned English...
Not Fan-glish.