[untitled, 2nd attempt]
"I can't think of any legitimate source of this information."
Rebebah Brooks/Wade has already admitted on the record that her NotW staff routinely paid Met officers for back door information.
"who and why was involved in the police closing down this inquiry so many times under the previous government."
Good question. I blame John Prescott. Or maybe not.
"which policeman responsible for one of the original enquiries now earns a fair shilling from news orp?"
I suspect you know, and I'm sure many others do too, but I assume we're currently not allowed to mention it here any more even though it has previously been permitted [1] - the previous version of this post, including Eddie Shoestring's name [2], was neither accepted nor rejected but "Last updated" (wtf?). Anyway, once you know the name, you can look up his history, including his book on terrorism and the police. His history is "interesting".
Flame, because the folks responsible for letting this happen need to burn in hell for as long as poss. As do the folks at the other papers, who knew it was going on, and didn't see a problem with letting it carry on.
[1] e.g. http://forums.theregister.co.uk/post/867300
[2] Name changed for the protection of the guilty.