At the moment its a useable beta version
At the moment its a useable beta version
I bought this a few days ago. I already have CoPilot 8. There are some nice new features. However, the new version is quite buggy, with things that are easy to see, so I'm sure there are more bugs lurking out of sight.
There was a comment from CoPilot at the other day that the UK fuel prices are unreliable.
The Wikipedia search has a bug where you get sent to the wrong location. For instance, if you search for the Stamford Bridge football stadium, it sends to into the middle of the Thames near Erith. That location has the same longitude, and the latitude is the same, but E of Greenwich rather than W of Greenwich.
The bing Local Search only lists sites in the USA. The battery life is really poor. Some people report are occasional random lockups.
These aren't show-stopping problems, but they are the sort of thing that should have been sorted out with beta testing, before releasing it onto the market.
There is a 50% discount which runs out today, and it might well be worth buying in any case. However, if you need a reliable, fully functional program to use today, then you might want to go for something else, or wait a while.