all mouth and trousers
The chance of a connection actually working for an unlimited time is nil.
There is no way you'll get what they say you'll get.
O2 and 3 just as bad and I daresay the others are too.
T-Mobile has made a complete Scrooge-around on its mobile data allowances, announcing a "truly unlimited" deal for new and existing customers. Over the summer, new punters, or those eligible for upgrade, can take up the offer if the take out a two-year contract of £25.54 or more. Those who are not yet eligible for the upgrade …
I've seen some unlimited plans here that really are. What happens is you get "full spead" (is that UPTO 512kbits on 3G?) until you run against your daily/weekly allowance, and then it slows down to UPTO 64kbits or whatever. However it doesn't stop and you don't get stung with charges, and you don't kill the possible data connection of everyone else on the same network because you are a P2P junkie.
In fact it kinda gets my vote.
(However Spain being listed as the most expensive OECD country for internet access does not get my vote; satellite broadband from the UK is almost the same price as ADSL here, and my wife gets cheaper data on her UK phone roaming in Spain than on her Spanish contract phone!)
Sounds like you spoke to the same clueless idiot I got when I queried some odd charges I was getting. He tried to tell me that surfing was covered by the internet booster but downloading wasn't. According to this fool viewing an image embedded in a page is downloading, not surfing. If that's the case surfing should be classed as downloading too. Turned out my odd charges were nothing to do with this however, it was some premium rate text I hadn't signed up for.
I don't see how this can be touted as unlimited Data as any streamed data, including those streamed by apps has a 500 mb cap that stops streaming access as soon as you hit 500mb in a month.
This is what T Mobiles data policy has to say in relation to this 'offer':
'There is a 500MB allowance for streaming videos and uploading and downloading files. If you hit this limit during the month, you won't be able to do this stuff again until the next month.'
'Some apps use a normal internet connection, so they will work just like your browsing and email allowance. But there are some apps that use streaming connections, so these will fall into the 500MB allowance.'