syncing the keychains and system prefs across my macs made life a lot easier, shame to see it go.
Apple confirmed late last week that various web apps currently locked into MobileMe will live on in the company's recently announced iCloud service. However, Cupertino is canning its iWeb publishing, Gallery and iDisk tools on 30 June 2012. The apps that will survive the death of Apple's unpopular MobileMe service include …
Is that the same Dropbox that took in any password (valid or not) for 4 hours last Sunday and gave access to all accounts? [1]
Sounds like a super professional place to put your files.
But for me, no thanks.
Try Runbox for web hosting and an FTP account. You can upload the awful code generated by iWeb via FTP.
On that point no doubt there will be no more versions of iWeb as it's reason for existing (.mac and MobileMeh) are also being canned, thus pushing the Apple ecosystem a little more towards media consumption toys instead of devices which can be used to create content.
I can only assume I was downvoted for "the awful code generated by iWeb".
It is awful by any standard and seems to be only tested in Safari to the extent that other family members with some versions of IE and Firefox had problems seeing photo albums, but I agree with other posters that iWeb is good for knocking out a site quickly.
Apple is also not the kind of company that doesn't supply complete end-to-end solutions so if they're not offering web space the chances are they'll happily knock iWeb on the head.
I'll really miss keychain sync. Managing the mass of certificates, keys and passwords is going to get a lot harder.
iWeb too - ok, so it wasn't particularly good, but it was a damned fast + inexpensive way of getting something online, which is what those of us with more important stuff to do appreciate :)
iDisk? Maybe it's time to try dropbox. Or find a basic text editor with iCloud support, because what I use it for most is storing all those little notes + documents that I need access to.
Dropbox is great, as long as you only want one Dropbox accessible (or two at a push) as folders, at a time. I work with several clients simultaneously and it was great to access each others iDisk storage areas to keep stuff completely separate
How do I have several folders on my desktop with access to other clients individual 'Dropbox' style storage areas, without iDisk ?
iWeb is bu**ger - as has been said, quick and easy to use for us who have better things to do than code, so any bright sparks know of an equivalent as time is not being marked.
The three things that tie my phone to my computer AND me to Apple are going to be discontinued. Right ? So when it comes to getting a new Android phone, the main worries I had are no longer there. My great like for the Jesus phone was that ALL the Apple "data" was tied and accessible across all of Apple's platforms. Something I didn't really want to lose. Plus the "Mac" web site, and having a Photo Gallery up there was kinda cool. [I built a LOT of web sites, the iWeb one was the FIRST time in under an hour!]
If all the COOL is leaving Apple's site, (Mac, Me, or iCloud), and I can't trust them to be STABLE, I should just jump to Google. Google's BETA lasts longer than Apple's PRODUCTION.
HELL, THANKS STEVE !!!! You just made life easier !!! He DOES keep his promises !! :-)
Am I not right in thinking that iWeb can very happily publish to FTP servers? Hence all one needs to do to continue using the iWe software is sign up to some free or cheap web host and continue as before?
I'm happy to be proven wrong but I'm sure I saw an FTP option when I last had a play with iWeb, albeit that was a long time ago.
it's going to be pretty easy to tangle yourself in this web of iStuff, but I pity average joe's when he decides he wants to move to andriod and buy a pc and can't figure out where all his files are. it's an insidious trap! you have to give credit where it's due.
The storm crow in me is seriously worried about security though.