What Mac users don't seem to understand is that the reason Macs get fewer viruses is primarily because they are a smaller, less juicy target, as Macs become ever more popular, there will be more malware written specifically to target them.
Are you honestly...HONESTLY saying that Mac users are more tech-savvy than Windows users? Honestly? Really? The users tied to a company which has always said "It just works"?
The average Mac user is no more Savvy than the Average Windows user, that's a major selling point of Macs, you don't have to know what you're doing, you just need to have a large wad of notes.
Macs will become festivals for malware writers soon enough.
I see people above saying there's a 3000:1 ratio of Windows:Mac virus signiatures in Avast, duh they've been producing a piece of Software for the dominant computer OS for about 10 years, and been producing a piece of software for the STILL less popular OS for much less time, of course there are less viruses in their list of viruses.
Macs are defensible only because they were never a major target.