RE:RE: RE: RE: @ Matt Bryant 26th June 2011 15:19 GMT
Let's discuss your arguments one by one:
"Assumption" : Point taken, it's an assumption, but in no way is it a baseless assumption, but one based on previous events.
"Ah, a more unbiassed and truly verifiable source of data would be hard to find than Internet forums": There are other sources, if you care to look for them. Many ACLU and AI reports and trials in courts in many countries, including the USA. All of them quite verifiable. Or are you telling us with a straight face that racial profiling is not abused?
"sophism": Here you are flat out lying, when you try to make it look as if the law in the rest of the States was the same as in AZ. Main differences: In AC it's a crime, punishable with prison time and/or expulsion, while in the rest of the USA it's just a demeanour, punishable with a fine. At the same time you dodge the sophism issue about the probabilities. Perhaps you consider that part of your argument undefendible?
"....Everybody can predict the future, up to a degree..." :Your answer to this point is so full of BS I was tempted to leave it alone, but, here I go:
* "You're also avoiding the issue that you assume all Arizona police officers will only operate the checks out of some form of racist vindictiveness". No, what I'm assuming is that, in AZ, everybody with Latino looks will be targeted by the police. Are you denying this?
*"Possession of a valid driving licence is accepted as proof of legal immigrant status": That is true for the rest of the USA. In AZ, post SB1070 legal residents have to carry also their Green Card. More BS.
"So we're back to your childish presumption that all cops are racists": They don't need to be racists, they only need to obey racist orders, like "Check any Latino you see"
"[Driving license] Which is also a test of legal immigrant status. You're just piling up the fail here": If you had bothered to read and understand TFA, you'd be aware of the fact that this is not the case in AZ any more, since SB1070. The fail I'm piling is all yours, mate.
"Because you were at every traffic stop ever in Arizona, right?" Yes, I was. Only a being with godly powers like me would dare to challenge your BS. XD
"And yet you fail to provide a single case where this has happened": man, if the Law allows it, I don't need to prove it has happened already. The weight of the proof is on you, and you must prove it will never happen. Good luck with that.
"What, they should get special consideration just because they are Latino? ": But this law GIVES THEM AN ESPECIAL CONSIDERATION. Before SB1070 they could use their driving license as proof they were either 'legals' or citizens. Now, Latino citizens can choose between using other documents as id, on top of their driving licenses, or having the police performing checks on them every time they'are stopped and requested their id. Don't think they'll like it.
"Given that you come across as such an unaccomplished debater, totally reliant on easily debunked waffle, I can't say I hold much value to your opinion": After giving us your load of lies, misinformation, weak logic and weasel words, you declare yourself the winner of the debate. Hooray! Go, Matt, go! And here I am, wondering what game you thought you were playing.