Seems like they are lost in between two worlds, they need to cater to and run retirement homes, yet they want to be hipster also :)
Microsoft is days away from lifting the covers from Office 365, but top channel brass have yet to assuage reseller anxiety over the client engagement model that they fear paves the way to a massive hike in direct sales. The launch of the cloud-based biz suite, which cobbles Office Web Apps with hosted Exchange, SharePoint and …
I think in this instance its a legitimate business move. However, the resellers are getting a bit dicked on the face of it. But ms apes Apple more and more these days. Less innovate, more copy imho. Why have resellers when direct means 100% of the spoils and you know who all of the customers directly.
Like others have pointed out, I'm sure Google will be more than happy to step in and fill a gap. In fact, its too good an opportunity to pass up.
To be fair, Im a 1 man MS reseller and if Microsoft want to go with this model then more power to them. If I can get an SME to name me as their supplier at $6/month rather than a massive reseller trying to flog them a server, 10 days of £1000/day consultancy and installation costs, then happy days for me and to hell with the big boys
Whinging and whining about the internets ruining their tired old last-century business models seems to be giving some traction to old-media. Why wouldn't the software sector have a go at it for themselves.
Value-add or go under - it is part of what is a free market (as opposed to what those in the market would like us to think is a free market, seemingly).
"We lose control of the client." And the client loses control of their data. Once on the public cloud, who owns the data. I'll bet microsoft does and the they'll be indexing it all (read rifling through it all.) advantage microsoft.
So not going to the public cloud.