back to article Firing back at LulzSec

It appears that LulzSec is the latest target of hacking. If this story on Australia’s ABC technology Website is accurate, then the hacktivist group has made itself unpopular enough to become itself a target. TeamPoison says it posted a message on the Website of a Dutch LulzSec member; this cannot be confirmed, because the …


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  1. Nigel Brown

    Meanwhile, in another part of the schoolyard..

    Bored with self-opinionated, self-righteous little twats now.

    1. AndrueC Silver badge

      Glad you reminded me.

      How is Mr Assange getting on these days?

      1. Scorchio!!

        Re: Glad you reminded me.

        "How is Mr Assange getting on these days?"

        Glad you asked. It seems that he and his friends are in a 'tizzy' over the active speed warning cameras/signs in the area. The original video on this site

        indicated their presence predated our Julian's arrival. They are all jumping up and down, saying how he's been treated 'like an animal', but I think readers will remember the controversy in which his Swedish legal representative has been called by his professional association to account for failing to respond to police communications, and for failing to tell Jules that he was wanted for questioning. Under this analysis it would seem that Jules is indeed a flight risk, and must be kept under strict bail conditions. His indignation and of his friends is misplaced, especially given the scale of his activities. Anyhow, our Jules should be up in front of the beak on the 12th of Jules. I do hope that he is put in the position where he can bleat about his rights being taken from him, and saying that he could attend over the net. It will make him seem as insightless, twitty and guilty as ever.

  2. jake Silver badge


    What comes around goes around ... Or, if you prefer, if you don't want it don't bring it ... Or, if you prefer, you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

    The kids have no idea of the scope of the situation that they are playing with ... Nor do they realize that their future employment is being compromised.


    1. johnnytruant

      I tried that once

      Turns out you catch loads more flies with vinegar.

      1. Mike Moyle

        Honey and Vinegar may work...

        ...but if you REALLY want to catch flies, just put enough shit out there and they'll swarm all over it.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      RE: ::snicker::

      There future employment is a high paid job for a IT security firm if previous trends are to be followed!

      Very valuable people to companies whose business relies on their work!

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Thumb Down

      Jeez ...

      *You* sound like somebody's boring fart dad -- and *I'M* 52.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Takes a more cynical person than I

    They hacked SOCA, CIA and many other websites, theirs goes down and it's another hacker group?

    Couldn't, wouldn't possibly be any other agency attempting to foment trouble between rival hacker groups could it.....

    1. Sir Cosmo Bonsor


      Using the free, open-source LOIC tool to DDOS a couple of websites does not a "hacking" make.

      Part of the problem is people like you repeating drama as facts. How are the media to do any better if supposedly technical folks can't get a few basic technical matters right?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        oooh, my bad...

        Sooo sorry, yes, bunch of script kiddies.

        Still doesn't make the point any less valid though does it...

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    No honour among thieves?

    that is all

  5. Southern

    Get the kettle on

    Time to sit back with a cuppa for round two

  6. The Alpha Klutz

    "this week's breach of UK census data"

    alleged breach.

    1. Sir Cosmo Bonsor

      A very tenuous and non-credible suggestion

      of an alleged breach, even.

      Still, that doesn't make for very exciting reporting, I guess.

  7. Anonymous Coward

    Cyberspace mirrors life

    In the Badlands where authority has little control, tribal battles between gangs of bandits lead to the dark side.

    Let the War begin ...

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Black Helicopters


    The fact that LulzSec is, like Anonymous, unknown, the authorities could be using this as a shield to go after anybody, and nobody would know who was who. I mean, these people could have hacked my site and said that I was a member of the Golem Scroll Society, and ... I mean .. who would be able to determine whether that was the truth?

    It is concerning me that all this anonymity is allowing the vandalism and attack of anyone, in the name of ... um ... no one.

    1. DrXym

      It's not unknown

      The ringleaders in these hacker groups may be superficially anonymous but all it would take is one of them to get pinched, and to act as an informant on the others for leniency and you could see major members being nabbed. It's no different from infiltrating any other group of terrorists, criminals, mafia, anarchists etc. Get someone on the inside, gather evidence for as long as it takes and then nab the ringleaders.

      I'm sure if they did suspect someone they would obtain a court order, wait until the suspect went out, take a snapshots of their harddisks, install keyloggers, a covert microphone / cameras, wiretaps, credit card reports, and all the rest and they'd have plenty of evidence. Hackers may think they're super duper anonymous but all it takes is one screwup or one betrayal of confidence and they're toast. Prisons are filled with hackers who could attest to that.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Black Helicopters

      You just made the list!

      The GSS was supposed to be a secret, now look what you've done?! Oh ****, what have I done by admitting they exist?! Is that Agent Mulder at the door?

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      Are you a member of the Golem Scroll Society? It's OK, we won't tell.

    4. Elmer Phud

      When I were a lad . . .

      . .. it was so easy to lay false trails and heap blame elsewhere as a smokescreen. It was the fault of immigrants (flavour of the month by contry or just skin colour) , pikeys, students, commies and even 'The Irish'.

      Now we will find the leakiest, most easy accessable comersial sites being got at by 'LulSec' or 'Anonymous'. Be prepared for stories about them joining up to form a UberHacker to scare children with ( and make loads of money selling tin hats).

      Laydeez an Gennelmen - we have a new scapegoat - one that is derided as being both a bunch of spotty teenagers and also a potent force to be reckoned with -- at the same time (ffs!)

      Roll over Bin Laden - we have your replacement for all the world's ills.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward


        What I was really meaning was authorities going after people that they'd wanted to go after for some time, and simply claim that they were a member of said hacking groups.

        A big excuse for big brother, sort of thing.

        I know ... I know ... I'm going ... I'm going ...

  9. Anomalous Cowherd Silver badge

    There's much more to it than that...

    Someone has been busy.

    1. Raggs

      Gone already

      Hmm, maybe what was on there was true, seeing as it's already gone down... So who was exposed?

  10. Bonce

    And so...

    The cyberpunk era is truly with us.

    1. wayward4now

      And so...

      A true cyberpunk would keep his head down... and do what he does without notice.

  11. Anonymous Coward

    Here we go...

    "strip away their anonymity in dramatic fashion, including “pictures, addresses, passwords, IPs, phone numbers etc”

    Yep and what of the innocents caught in the cross fire of this online gang-war? The security services are already stupid enough to listen to the rubbish spouted by the various media corps when they decide to raid some Granny's house on the pretence she's running some international copyright theft ring, wait until these groups starting posting unconfirmed information.

    Next? A bloody good excuse for the world's goverments to push ahead with plans to regulate internet use.

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "this week's breach of UK census data"

    ...what breach?

    I thought everyone already confirmed it was a hoax created collectively by you media types and some random posting to pastebin.

  13. Atonnis


    If they're all for exposing each other (oo-er) then let them have their little expose-war and then go pick up the lot of them.

    Then we lock them all up in a big room and give them all sticks and say 'only one person gets out of here alive....Good Luck'.

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Handbags at dawn, luvvies

    Not exactly Hells Angels All England Vs the Windsor chapter circa 1984, is it?

    1. Scorchio!!

      Re: Handbags at dawn, luvvies

      I thought the HA Windsor chapter thing was sorted out in the late 70s.

  15. schnide

    Please note..

    "The attack comes a day after the arrest of an accused LulzSec member, and accusations that this week's breach of UK census data was by LulzSec, a claim the group denied."

    BOTH of these things probably aren't true.

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Sometime after the dust has settled...

    ...I shall enjoy reading the book. (And then watching the movie.)

    1. Evil Weevil

      You can always watch the films "Hackers" or "The Net"...

      ...until a better movie is made.

      Coat ? ...Mine's the one with copies of Miss Congeniality 1 + 2 in the pockets.

  17. Peter Murphy

    The death of LulzSec seems to be greatly exaggerated.

    So there's one IRC hoster that got arrested, and one dude in the Netherlands affiliated with the group that got exposed. Two blows against the group, but not exactly devastating.

    Meanwhile, both the LulzSec twitter and website accounts seem entirely intact to my jaundiced eye, and they've managed to DDosed two Brazilian government websites in the interim.

    So what's exactly happening here?

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up


    About time these retards got hacked, they can't say they hadn't had it coming!

    first the arrests with much more to come, now they get a taste of their own medicine.

    Remember kids, play with fire and you will get burnt, like these children did!

  19. Anonymous Coward


    Would you smash a shop window with a brick for no ethical/moral/legal reason? Probably not.

    Then why deface a website. Both these actions require the same amount of skill, pick up a brick or pick up the latest 0day script, both were made by a skilled crafts man whom you have not paid.

    Hacking is the art of discovering/learning and productively producing something. Window breaking is just damn right idioticy and the act of a rebellious kid.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      RE: sigh

      I'd have to say they have some valid ethical reasons for some of the hacks.

      If slavery was reinstated, I'd probably be outside throwing bricks in government office building Windows.

      And the Anon hack of HBGary revealed some nice information about USA government attempting to use social media for propaganda and spying on citizens.

      Though I'll gladly admit most of their hacks have been somewhat childish in nature. Hacking the CIA however? I'm all for going after groups that have been immorally (if not illegally) spying on many populations for far too long.


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