Community service for zombies
"committed suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head - twice"
Because they would be so incompetent that they would miss the first time? :-)
If any good comes out of this, it will be that the plod will take ddosing even more seriously and lean more on ISPs to take action against their moron users that get compromised, but this is a complex issue requiring global cooperation, education some coercion, and the subject of a few PhDs.
Some angry bears are best not poked with a sharp stick, as it risks innocent lives too.
The whole fucking net is overrun by selfish criminals happy to mug a bingo hall full of grannies for pennies without regard to the collateral, and these LulzSec kiddies should get a life and use what skills they have to help clean up the litter...
Disinfecting zombies should be added to community service punishments (if not already)...