back to article CSC's iSoft takeover cleared

The European Commission has cleared CSC's takeover of iSoft - the key NHS supplier. Aussie health provider iSoft has had a chequered past - it was bailed out with £82m of taxpayer cash, removed a co-founder, and is still going through a Financial Services Authority probe which led to four former directors facing criminal …


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  1. Neon

    This is all part of the biggest rip-off ever

    iSoft's private health care software made it into the world of public health care, unfit for pupose, massive redesign and no end in sight. This is only the latest story in a saga of how to dump public money in duboius (here CSC) companies. Nepotism of its best!

  2. daoxin
    Thumb Up

    Best outcome really

    It's probably best outcome to secure the future of iSoft and the software solution that's already had so much invested in it

  3. Sir Barry

    Oh dear

    iSoft was a complete financial disaster for the NHS and now CSC has got their sticky fingers in the pie.

    After first hand experience I can see this being one disaster lurching into another.

    Oh well, at least there will be some fodder for the snooze papers....

  4. Anonymous Coward

    this looks like the fallacy of sunk investment

    Closed source software and suppliers do not seem a good fit for healthcare.

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