back to article BBC to stream news site to Samsung tellies

The BBC has favoured Samsung's networkable TVs for the release of its first internet-streamed news feed. The "BBC News product for connected TVs", as only the Corporation could call it, "combines existing video and text content from BBC News Online", the BBC said, saving viewers the need to turn to their browsers. The content …


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  1. Neil Barnes Silver badge

    But... but... but...

    If you've got the bloody telly turned on, just tune to a BBC news channel! What the hell is the point of sending a low-res low-info low-iq (OK, I'm judging from the current news-free site) signal when you're already wasting, er, sending moving pictures and real sound over the air?

    It's pointlessness for the sake of it.

  2. ukuser
    Big Brother

    biased broadcasting corporation

    great, now live streaming propaganda from the ministry of truth.

    Bias at the BBC



    John Pilger -- The War You Don't See (section on the BBC)

  3. Richard Jukes


    People can knock the BBC all they like, but lets look at the facts; First major news organisation to have a decent and constantly updated news website, First with live streaming shows and the iPlayer and now IPTV.

    No doubt they were not the very first to do such things, but they are the first MAJOR media organisation into most new fields.

  4. Anonymous Coward

    Ummmm....TOATAL FAIL

    Samsung TVs with internet capability all have Freeview built in....Freeview carries BBC News...

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