Maybe it's just because it's nearly beer o'clock...
but it puts me in mind if a freshly poured pint of Guinness.
Boffinry chiefs in control of the mighty Hubble Space Telescope have released the latest imagery from its most advanced instrument, Wide Field Camera 3, of the relatively nearby galaxy Centaurus A - well known for its spectacular space dust clouds. The galaxy Centaurus A imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope. Credit: NASA, ESA …
... how this kind of stuff fascinates me.
But but but.... It would be handy if someone could stick a scale on the picture so I can get an idea of dimensions, eg, 1,10,100,1000 solar systems (e.g. 1, 10, 100, 1000 AU etc)
Have I mentioned how this stuff fascinates me :p I think it's the vastness that is awe inspring.
Basically any detritus that's been pushed out by anything smashing into other things, or stuff going boom e.g. comets smashing into planets, novae, supernovae etc.
The actual composition is probably mostly light elements and maybe tiny bits of ex-planet, however it's 11 million light years away so, in truth, who the hell knows?