Don't Trust
For me it's more "don't trust" than "don't care". I can't be the only one.
Our thanks to all of you who took part in our recent El Reg Cloud survey. Our research partner Dale Vile of Freeform Dynamics has written up a study based on the results - it's free to download and no registration is required. Here are some choice cuts: Key findings range from the blindingly obvious: ‘…ambiguous and wildly …
Just because Microsoft has a vested interest doesn't mean they should not be allowed to commission a survey. As long as it is done with a reputable third party and the results are reported accurately, it should not matter. I have seen surveys and polls commissioned by companies with a vested interest, and they accurately reported the results, even when they were not very favourable to the company commissioning the survey.
Paddy with a swing shovel hits a fibre somewhere or a ship drags an anchor not to mention a DOS attack on the provider and there goes all of your availability. All have bought down great chunks of that reliable cloud connector 'the Internet' in the past, redundant paths may work in theory but if you take a big enough pipe out it all gets very badly disrupted.
3 days + to fix and no data access worth a damn even if you can get some sort of 3G link to work.
Creek - paddle springs to mind.
Observation - on an average day the word cloud seems to feature on the reg frontpage at least 3 times.
Like the first poster I do not think it would be wise to trust your company secrets to a 3rd party, especially a 3rd party who might be beholden to nosey governments who are themselves operating in fascist collusion with large corporations.
Paris - because her head is permenantly in the clouds...