Working in a council office,
you'd assume the zombie apocalypse had already happened.
Leicester City Council has been forced to admit that it lacks a comprehensive emergency plan should the Midlands city be hit by zombie attack. The council received a Freedom of Information request which asked: Dear Leicester City Council, Can you please let us know what provisions you have in place in the event of a zombie …
I surely hope someone is having fun here. If not, I'm a little bit impressed that someone who believes in zombies are aware of their FOI rights.
On the other hand, emergency plans for zombie attacks should possibly not be public, as a safety measure. But then again, zombies are rather simple minded and wouldn't care about the plans, would they?
I'm surprised at Leicester City Council claiming not to have a policy to deal with a sudden rush of zombies, on the basis that they don't exist.
They weren't fictional when I used to go and stand on the Kop at Filbert Street in the 80s & early 90s. Most of the defence and at least two of the centre forwards were clearly zombified, judging by their speed & agility.
"She also added that the council had a range of emergency plans, and elements of these would presumably apply in the event of a Zombie invasion"
Cue the Daily Mail totally misquoting this and taking it completely out of context in order to rant and rage about UK councils wasting tax payers money on plans to counter zombie invasions.
Also I predict hundreds of utter retards writing snarling replies in the comments because they actually believe it.. a PHB asking how the DR plan would cope with a zombie apocalypse?
I know our DR plans didn't allow for the purchase of shot guns and sufficient ammunition to allow staff to hole up in the data centre. Management were too concerned about mutiny...
As one of the senior network techs at my former company I would have had to march over to the DR site if things went seriously sideways perhaps for a few days. They wanted to know how long it would take me to get from work/home to the DR site in case of floods, toxic gas clouds, violent riots and civil unrest, pandemic illness, widespread power outages, zero visibility blizzards at -40c, terrorist attack, etc... and what equipment I would need to make the 15km hike in an efficient manner.
I don't know what they were expecting, but they dropped the matter when I put in requisition for NBC suits, Kevlar armor, semi-automatic weapons, knives and hand axes, tear gas and pepper spray, paintball gun w/ pepper balls, tazer gun, binoculars, MRE rations w/flameless heater, water purification tablets, high-arctic survival clothing, snowshoes, GPS, maps and compass, night-vision goggles, mountain bikes w/saddle bags, mobile sat phone, crow bar, photovoltaic panel, medical kit, semi-rigid inflatable boat w/motor and a gas mask.
I think with all that I could have take on a decent zombie outbreak in my city. Too bad they never approved it and decided the DR site would be on automatic fail-over shortly thereafter. Wonder why...
By George, you may be onto something there! Protect your tasty brains with something even more tasty, to keep the zombies occupied. After a whole hat's worth of liquorice, I usually find I've rather lost my appetite. Genius!
Leicester Council, that'll be £50k for the concept consultancy, ta. Job done.
I have a dad who before he reached retirement age, held a Flt Lt rank in the reserves RAF. Part of this meant he's seen what's in, or at least used to be in, certain old buildings in certain old bases.
Cardboard coffins. Flat packed. Thousands upon thousands of them.
Just in case, eh?
Should you wish to rant, please select the following options:
A - "Why is my tax being wasted on FOI requests like this, and more over, why are councils wasting my hard earned cash on planning for such far fetched, ridiculous eventualities?"
B - "Why is there not a plan for Zombie attacks? This is a serious problem - THINK OF THE CHILDREN! I pay my taxes and demand to be protected from the slightest chance of my brains becoming a Zombie gourmet feast!"
C - All of the above. Post anonymously.
you forgot to add
1) new cancer threats from zombie attacks
2) house prices set to soar because of zombie attacks
3) house prices set to collapse because of zombie attacks
4) zombies are immigrants/asylum seekers/foreigners stealing our jobs/women/houses, overloading our schools/prisons/police/hospitals, etc, etc
5) scandal of welfare scrounging zombies who get 10 grand a week from the dole
6) councils spending zillions on zombie awareness training for social workers
7) police diversity policies mean they have to go soft on zombie attackers
8) scandal as zombie attackers get off with community sentences
9) prisons outrage as burglars and kiddie-fiddlers get let out early to make space for zombies
10) europe/social workers//lefty vicars/bbc to blame for zombie attacks
11) zombie attackers escape jail because of human rights act
12) hurrah for the blackshirts
one of the above is a genuine daily fail headline
... and I guarantee that a zombie plan would be a waste of money; if any brain eating monsters chose to attack, they'd starve to death naturally in a few hours.
I can understand the concern though - visit the city centre on any given Saturday afternoon and you'd swear the first wave had already begun...
Most of the IT related FOI requests I see are companies trying to get information on systems/products you have/use so they can sell you stuff at high prices that you dont want. Phone calls are easy to deal with, ie. Sorry not interested. $"%! FOI's... gotta spend a few hours for each getting facts and figures from various sources, and giving it to them. waste of time when I'd rather be spending it sorting out problems with systems, etc.
Dear North Lanarkshire Council,
I would like to know if you have prepared emergency readiness plans for the following situations which may result in a downfall of civilization:
a) Zombie Invasion
b) Rage Infected Monkeys
c) Trained Ape Rebellion
d) Tremors (of the underground worm kind)
e) Triffids
I appreciate that most of these have already afflicted the citizens of Motherwell as can be seen by the horde of half-blind, violently angry, zombie-fied Apes that populate the streets of a Saturday night. But I would like to know if the experience gained in that locale can be used in areas such as Cumbernauld, Wishaw and Coatbridge.
Kind Regards,
Concerned Citizen
[quote] d) Tremors (of the underground worm kind) [/quote]
That'll be Graboids, then. Not too dissimilar to the Buckfast - fuelled neds that frequent the place weating to grab you from behind and relieve you of your watch / mobe / cash / whatever.
Mines is the one with the phone running Zombie, Run! Live Edition in the pocket.
Is it bad that I almost turned down a job offer with a much higher salary, because the new building would be significantly more vunerable to zombie attack than the current one (which has a 3 story, 6ft thick curtain wall, solid metal doors, 3 floors of underground goodness and its own generators with fuel supply!).
Recent traffic report in the Atlanta GA area have included 'Slow traffic in multiple places due to Zombies'. They claim it's just filming the new season of 'The Walking Dead'. Could be just a ruse, might just be a convention of Newt's ex-wives and campaign workers.