But isn't the spec the problem in the first place?
Surely if the manufacturers and OS vendors provided detailed enuogh specs in the first place driver developers would need to infer less. Documentation has always been the big problem in software development of any kind.
Despite 30 years of trying to move software development into the engineering domain, programmers and companies continue to consistently provide sub standard documentation (if any at all). Most companies that I have worked in where they do claim to follow a methodology usually simply go through the motions ticking boxes.
This is even odder considering I was developing chemical process & plant design software and would be told not to spend more than a day or two on design & to get coding right away by people who would spend a year designing a chemical plant before the foundations were laid.
If they built chemical plants (or bridges, skyscrapers, nMRI scanners etc...) using the same methodology as software it would be a very dangerous world!
Unfortunately commercial companies rarely see notice the benefit of accurately designed and documented software.
My team were once able to produce an enhancement to an application which had been allocated 8 months development time in three weeks because we were able to build on an excellent, flexible design of the original app. It was only at that point that my manager had one of those 'aaaaah I see!' moments.