>> WIKIPEDIA Ref: (For the literately-ignorant)...
"Nineteen Eighty-Four (sometimes written 1984) is a 1948 dystopian novel written by George Orwell, about an oligarchical, collectivist society. Life in the Oceanian province of Airstrip One is a world of perpetual war, pervasive government surveillance, and incessant public mind control. The individual is always subordinated to the state, and it is in part this philosophy which allows the Party to manipulate and control humanity. In the Ministry of Truth..."
Thank "BB" that the Government is FINALLY getting around to the serious threat of THOUGHT-CRIME. And, I was afraid that the mindless-sheep (that the English People, had, so glaringly, become) might actually show some (or, ANY...) BACKBONE, and stand up to such obvious TYRANNY.
But, what do you expect from the most surveilled nation in the world, where the "citizens" actually allowed their-own government to deprive them of almost EVERY, basic, human-right (that has ever been fought, or died, for)..? ...including the RIGHTS of "privacy", and "self-defense"?
Though... I DO wonder what the English-People will do if there is an American Civil-War (I'm sorry... "massive civil unrest") now plainly expected by millions of U.S. citizens (many of whom, are actually preparing themselves for exactly this eventuality)... a growing number of, well-respected, "historians"... and which is actually being OFFICIALLY planned, and prepared, for, by numerous U.S. government institutions and agencies.
...the English will probably just do, whatever their government-propaganda departments tell them to do. I mean... after all... "THERE'S A WAR ON"... Right..?
War is Peace...
Freedom is Slavery...
Ignorance is Strength.
Again... PATHETIC..!