This is how evolution works
The weakest fail by the wayside and only the most cunning, suspicious hackers remain ... now well trained to leave behind nothing that can be tracked ...
The mud elephant
wading in the sea
leaves no tracks
One in four criminal hackers turn snitches under pressure from US authorities. The FBI and US Secret Service – the two lead agencies in the fight against cybercrime in the US – have used the threat of prison to create an army of informers, according to an investigation by The Guardian. A climate of mistrust has been sown among …
Isn't this what China is already doing? Every time a western company reports a cyber-attack, the Chinese government just shrugs its shoulders and says "not me guv", and blames some random hackers or criminals.
Then again that's what spy agencies have always done - make acts of war look like ordinary crimes.
"Owing to the harsh penalties involved and the relative inexperience with the law that many hackers have, they are rather susceptible to intimidation,"
You forgot to mention the well publicised
Tortured in prison for years with no trial
Isolation from everyone but those that torture
Trials in which the judges commanded the torturers
Trials in secret
Rigged subpoenas
Rigged lawyers
Rigged sentences
Rigged deportations