Bad El Reg
It's the world's first 'Chromium' OS laptop, not chrome.
Want a notebook based on Google's Chrome OS? Want it this week? Aussie online retailer Kogan is promising Brits just that. Kogan Agora Chrome OS netbook Kogan's Agora is a 12in, 1366 x 768 machine with 1GB of Ram, a 30GB SSD, Wi-Fi (2.4GHz 802.11n), Bluetooth and HDMI out. The laptop is based around an Intel Celeron SU2300 …
I ordered one of these last week primarily out of intellectual curiosity rather than expecting it to be a usable business tool.
Battery life on the Chromium-OS based Kogan appears to be only half what other OEMs (e.g. Samsung) quote for their Chrome-OS based devices, but at this price point I'm prepared to give it a shot!
OOOOOOhhhh great!!!!
I will buy one as a cheap laptop to run Office on! Oh, hang on a sec…..
I will buy one to use for Skyping! Oh, hang on a sec…..
I will buy one as a cheap device that I can take to remote places without a phone signal! Oh, hang on a sec…
I will by one to store my music and photos on! Oh, hang on a sec….
I will buy one to play my favorite games on! Oh, hang on a sec….
I will buy one so that Google can spy on my every movement online and sell my details to the highest bidder! Oh, that will work perfectly! And it only costs me 270 quid……