Seriously - Some Clever bods here then
>The market watcher reckons that next-gen chips, new operating systems
And just how exactly will Next-Gen Chips make any difference, what marvelous capacity will they behold..
>new operating systems
Which new operating systems, oh you mean youv'e heard a rumour that something new will be invented in the next 4 years. Thats some bloody crystal ball you own there buddy.
>and other features
And just what would these "Other Features" be exactly, sounds bit abstract really.
>coupled with heavy discounting from PC vendors
Heavy Discounting, can we have some figures or facts behind this statement or is thus just more bumfluff thrown into the pile of vomit that was previoulsy upheaved.
>IDC estimates growth of between 10 per cent to 11 per cent for 2012 to 2015.
Well I guess it will be a bad idea to invest in the PC market then as we can safely assume that IDC are talking utter bollocks.
If anyone wants a real analysis : here goes. ( Yes you can quote me on this).
In the next few years, 2012->2016, I predict that there will be some unexpected market changes, "followed" by some drivel from a market analysis company stating that they had forseen everything.
Market fluctuation in 2012->2016, will mirror the conflicting feedback generated by Marketing Analysis companies between lunch breaks and alcohol fuelled brainstorming.
Woe betide anyone that listens to these punks..