"hacked into facebook"?
Bit shy on details here. Is this actual compromise of FB servers, or something boring and mundane like the theft of yet more zynga currency or the usual fraping?
Police have arrested and questioned a Yorkshire man over allegations that he hacked into social networking website Facebook. The unnamed 26-year-old from Yorkshire was arrested by police from the National Hi-Tech Crime Unit on Thursday. He was subsequently released on police bail pending further inquiries. Details of the …
Some a$$hole somehow hacked my business facebook page (its a very good way to keep in touch with our customers.)
Facebook claim it can only be done by the hacker getting access to my account password, (very unlikely) and is impossible by any other means. The hacker deleted me as admin then changed the profile picture and removed themselves as admin..
facebook say they cant (read as wont) re-instate me as admin to my own page and to contact the current admin (there is not one) and ask them to re-instate me....
a quick google of this will show up many others having the same issue and facebook continually not giving a damn !!!
If this guy is a hacker and not a script kiddie, what surprises me is that he was smart enough to hack yet dumb enough to be traced. Perhaps he was a script kiddie after all. I can only presume he ran his downloaded tools from his own ISP account. Either that or he bragged about it to the wrong people or in the wrong place.
Maybe he is innocent and the real hacker used his unprotected wireless access point.
From experience of a few of my "friends" who have been arrested by various UK hi tech crime departments (Whatever they call themselves these days) I can't see them having anything to charge him with.
With one person they left him in possession of an external HDD which contained various tools and databases that they could have charged him for. They also didn't complete any forensics on some of the kit they recovered.
Let's just say the only charges they got where very minimal