SEA Org?
SEA Org?
Syria appears to have begun shutting off internet links to the rest of the world. Approximately two-thirds of all Syrian networks became unreachable by Friday afternoon as part of a process that began early in the morning. Routes to 40 of 59 networks were withdrawn from the global routing tables, leaving the internet in Syria …
Well I am sure that the USA and UK will shortly ask the UN for ratification so that they can pop into Syria and sort it all out like they are doing in Libya...
What's that you say? There are trillions of Syrian dollars invested in the US economy and therefore Western democracies will just stay out of it and pretend Syrian authorities are not murdering their own people and hushing it up?
That can't be right. That would be the most disgusting kind of hypocracy if that was to happen, and we all know the US and UK would never be guilty of that..
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I've done no checking of this, so I'm happy to be proved wrong, but trillions of Syrian dollars? Where the hell from? The Syrian economy's a basket case, and they don't got no oil... So I strongly suspect bovine excrement on that point.
Secondly, there probably won't be any UN mandate. And no hypocrisy either. The UK and US couldn't even get mild criticism of the Syrian regime through the security council last month, due to the Russian and Chinese vetoes. So we could go the non-UN, and thus 'illegal war' route, or ramp up the pre-existing sanctions a tad and do not much else.
This one ain't the fault of Western Democracy [tm] - hypocritical or otherwise. We haven't been backing Syria for reasons of realpolitik, they've not much we want (only things we'd rather like them not to do) and we have almost no leverage to use on them, save the threat of military force without UN approval.
The world is not a simple place. There are no easy answers. International diplomacy is hard.
The UNO (sic) is authorized by its constitution for involvement in trans-national situations only. Its involvement in Libya in support of an internal armed rebellion is ultra vires, and demonstrates beyond any doubt that the UNO has turned itself into nothing more a rent-seeking fig-leaf.