What a fucking piece of....I'm going to fucking brain you
you stupid fucking lazy arrogant ignorant fucking talentless fucking clueless fucking morons you fucking know i fucking hate the fucking way you fucking
I'm saving my hard earned for Senna
Gobby food-botherer Gordon Ramsay is facing what the Sun describes as his "biggest ever TURKEY", as he makes his movie debut in forthcoming "romcom" Love's Kitchen. The film won't be released in the UK until 24 June, but it's already been sliced, diced and roasted by internet customers after the makers ill-advisedly decided to …
Chipping Campden,
OK, the last two were made-up, but by <INSERT DEITY> England is full of odd names and majorly fucked-up places (see Hot Fuzz for details - and don't start thinking that's just fictional, you ain't lived in my part of England).
Yeek. What a contrived load of twaddle. Not that I would have gone to see it, but at least the trailer saves me the bother. I always thought the idea of a trailer was to entice viewers to come and see the film, not give a 3 minute summary of the entire film to save anyone having to bother.
I know, as a woman, I'm supposed to like these movies but (a) the trailer saved me the bother (well noted, Popbitch), and (b) I'd rather see things explode amidst a gory cacophony of bullets, flesh, fire accelerants and rampaging robots. That's why I, like you gentlemen, am a geek. So I hear the latest Mandriva's out.......
...oh dearie, dearie me; things ARE looking a bit grim, aren't they? Thing is, it's a decent cast (the non-chef parts, at any rate), so is this just a case of a very bad trailer for a half-decent film, or is it truly as bad as the trailer suggests...either way, I can't see a BAFTA in Gordo's future anytime soon...
I've no idea what the video is about, given that I have that shit blocked mostly, but I did once drive through a place by the name of "Bell End". Unfortunately I didn't see a place name sign when I got there (I may have missed it), but it was clearly marked on my printed map, and is here:
6.9 miles due east of Kidderminster.