back to article Asus revamp adds tablet-phone dock

Asus has debuted of pile products at Computex this week. Highlights include a 3D tablet and the Padfone – a device which unites smartphones and tablets through a unique docking system. Asus Padfone The Padfone is basically a 4.3in smartphone which docks inside a 10.1in tablet, charging the battery as well as sharing data and …


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  1. SteveBalmer

    I'm Still Waiting

    for your Asus Transformer review, so you can tell everyone how awesome it is... Mine arrived yesterday, and it's brilliant....

    1. Anonymous Coward


      ...but which robot is it? Bit small to be Optimus...

  2. Mark 110
    Thumb Up

    Mmm Padphone

    If it makes a significant impact on the price of a tablet then iits pure win. Apart from the obvious other benefits of keeping all your bits and bobs on one device.

  3. Lamont Cranston

    Have they decapitated Wall-E?


    1. William Towle

      Decapitated ... or disassembled?

      Could be - in which case the hands are on this one:

  4. Anonymous John


    Want one. Nothing more to say really. I want one.

  5. bob_bob
    Thumb Up

    Padfone, sounds better that Atrix

    I think that the Padfone concept (if correctly executed) should be a huge win. There is a much greater overlap in use between smartphones and tablets with a real blurring of the boundaries and this concept will give you the opportunity to simply choose the best form factor depending on where you are.

    The Atrix seems to promise somehtig siilar but the second form fator there seems to just be a gimped netbook that offers little more than a Firefox browser. I can buy a smartphone and a netbook, (that runs more than just Firefox), for a lot less then the Atrix combo - so I don't see the point.

    The Padfone seems to be a much more unified proposition.

    I like the idea of effectively using one procesing engnie, one 3G connection, having one place to store key files. One ring to rule them all?

  6. b166er


    Been waiting for that for ages! Needs a keyboard option though maybe?

    If only the OEMs could get together and create a standard docking port for phones, maybe we could then buy accessory shoes allowing us to dock any phone with the motherpad. I'm thinking like a laptop hdd cradle only a universal one that could be left attached to the motherpad ready to accept your phone of choice.

    Probably living in cloud cuckoo land though /:

  7. Santonia
    Thumb Up

    Padfone. Yes. Now

    I'm with Anonymous John. I've been waiting for a company to build something exactly like this and assumed they weren't simply because its possible a lost revenue opportunity (ie you could sell 2 products, phone tab, rather than 1.5, phone + bigger screen).

    If this delivers anything close to a useable product I am in with bells on.

  8. Robert E A Harvey


    I really fancy that. Pity about the spelling, but hey.

    I'm sitting here going "ooh shiney thing", and have yet to come up with a rational reason to have one. But I reckon "ooh shiney thing" is quite a convincing arguement, really.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Launch video

    By far the best part of the Padfone was the amazing launch by Asus chairman:

    After watching this showmanship it's pointless to watch Steve Jobs.

    The product is a pile of meh: seriously next year I'll want to change my phone, but still need the old one around for my tablet? Or want a new tablet but can't sell the old one unless the buyer has this exact Asus phone?

    Good business strategy for Asus I guess, but not for me.

  10. Anonymous Coward

    That advert

    Mind bleach I can forget I ever watched it

  11. Mr Floppy

    The good, the pad and the fugly

    ASUS really have trouble with naming their products. Padfone? Seriously. That said, the design I feel has missed something. The Motorola Attrix is a much more appealing dock system. What ASUS should have done is built the dock into their transformer, preferably with the phone as useful second screen or touch pad.

    MeeGo on their slim netbooks is good but given the debacle with Xandros, I hope that ASUS spends a bit more effort in support. I've already tried on an eeepc 901 and it is already quite impressive. It is fast for a start, faster than the original Xandros, and all that without any ASUS input.

    The All-in-one, that base stand looks ridiculous. It looks like a high-heeled birkenstock.

  12. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

    Phone too big?

    I like the idea of the PadPhone, but why such a huge phone? Surely if you've got a back-up screen that's 10", you can afford to have a much smaller phone, maybe something the size of the HTC Wildfire. If you want big screen, you dock to tablet.

    Coat icon. It seems I need the big pockets.

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Borrowing from AlwaysInnovating?

    Their SmartBook is almost a combination of the Transformer and Phonepad, and has been around for a while now.

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