Jingly Jangly coinage
I like to pay for my cookies with a pile of dirty old 10p coins and some lint fluff from my pocket.
That way, nobody can track me when I'm on the run from the fuzz.
There's a startling reality about all these payment gizmos for small items - credit cards have been common place for decades, but we still pay for many things with notes and coins.
Because it's simple, anonymous and to be honest, rewarding.
Why the hell would I want my phone company, my bank & all manner of people in the payment chain to know I've just bought myself a coffee at X location, at X time?
As someone has already pointed out, this is a retailers and marketeers wet dream - *that's* who it's aimed at, not at the punter. For us, it's a right royal pain in the bottom.
Hopefully, it'll die a quick, yet agonising death as quite frankly, it's a bloody stupid idea.
When I were a lad ... my first job, some 200 years ago, I used to get paid by cheque. I'd take that up to the local bank, convert to cash on the spot and ... struth god, I'd keep my salary in my cupboard. I didn't have a bank account. I paid for everything cash.
I never ran out of cash. I couldn't go into debt.
It was fantastic, except at about 10:50pm on a saturday night when I had no money left for a pint and the bus home.... actually, it kinda sucked... they rarely accepted pocket fluff, even back then.