Aahhhh, CIX! :)
Probably my fist computer-based contact with the outside world, back in the day when computers themselves were a novelty to me. Whilst at that time I had no choice but to use a character-based dumb terminal login, quite a few continued to do so even after PCs were put on our desks and Ameol became available. My employers never objected to the modem phone bill, as it was my prime source of technical help: a fantastic resource to one new to Unix and computers. I even recruited my successor through CIX!
I left CIX when I left the UK. Somehow, controversy over London's bus lanes and cyclists looses its appeal when one is 5,000 miles away, and the newly retired have to look to saving money. I still have Ameol, and its data from that time, archived on my hard disk. Wizards (.co.uk), another CIX community vendor, still host my domain and email.
CIX ran into problems when the succession of big-company buyouts began. None of them had a clue about the CIX community. That it has survived is a wonder, that the current buy-out is by a company headed by a long standing member is very good news indeed. I wish them all the best.
cix:cats, anyone? Only yesterday, I was remembering Valerie (of Harrow) and her family of a dozen or so. News of her death reached me back in those days soon after I had left CIX.
CIX is in the past for me --- but I'm happy to know that it still has a present, and, hopefuly, a healthy furure