back to article UK finally ratifies Cybercrime Convention during Obama visit

President Obama and UK prime minister David Cameron agreed to work more closely on cybersecurity following a meeting between the two government leaders on Wednesday. The UK underlined this commitment with a much-delayed ratification of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime. The convention, which embodies a commitment to …


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  1. NoneSuch Silver badge

    Seeing as...

    ...most of the cyber crime comes from China and Russia then that works. You really do not need them at the moment. The key is getting the countries who share borders with China / Russia to sign on then the comms between the countries can be recorded and filtered as needed over time.

    Until they decide to sign onto the conventions voluntarily of course. :)

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Subtitle says: "No Russia + No China = No point"

      Also, article says "Chief among their criticisms is that unless Russia and China sign up to the treaty, its reach will be limited". So thanks for repeating all that, you really added to the conversation.

  2. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

    Or as Mr Obama put it....

    All your bases are belong to us

    1. Oninoshiko

      if you are going to quote Zero Wing

      get it right:

      "All your base are belong to us"

      BASE, singular!

  3. Amir Shah


    A Cyber crime Convention, is that like a superhero Convention? do people have to dress up as their favorite Malware? i.e Trojan Man or SQL Injection Lad

    1. Anonymous Coward

      And for the ladies

      Buffer Overflow Girl

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    oh cool,

    now if only Cameron could get his minister to sort out the whole cookie thing

    1. heyrick Silver badge

      ^^ huh?

      What the heck kind of icon is that?

  5. Hayden Clark Silver badge

    You missed the important bit

    "The convention aims to harmonise law and foster co-operation in areas including computer-aided fraud, hacking, distribution of child abuse images and ***copyright infringement***."

    That's why POTUS had to come all the way over here to chat to the PM personally. Remember - ripping DVD's is cybercrime.

    Once again the USA media industry arranges the world to suit.

    1. Oninoshiko


      He wants more cooperation in distributing CP?

  6. philbo

    Why do I get the feeling..

    ..that all Cameron knows about "cybercrime" is that it's a Bad Thing? And Obama's unlikely to be much better.

    But, hey, they're both politicians, and it makes them feel good to talk about something neither of them understands but will give good headlines, rather than leave it to people who know about the subject.

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