Another bandwagon
I'm bored of hearing the 'IT Department must change to blah blah blah buzzword'.
On the rare occasion I am able to support users devices, I do so by providing the details for them to connect and they set it up themselves. Just because I work in IT doesn't mean I know automatically how to configure every electronic device ever manufactured (though I can usually figure most of them out). I wouldn't want to support every users personal devices. I would end up having to fix all the other 'problems' they have, likely end up trying to deal with their original suppliers for hardware problems (because users are lazy and don't want to deal with something when there is somone else they can palm stuff off too). Not to mention having to contend with the plain weird setups you have to get round on users personal devices and god forbid you ever 'fix' something that doesn't look right, you'll end up getting the blame for everything that ever goes wrong on that device from that point on.
If users aren't tech savvy enough to follow some instructions on how to setup a VPN or put in a few email settings then I wouldn't trust them with network access off site. Does that make me a BOFH? I don't think so. Otherwise you might as well just out source the lot of us...