back to article Judgment Day prophet resets doomsday clock

California preacher Harold Camping is unrepentant following his second unsuccessful attempt to predict Judgment Day, and now says true believers should pack their bags for ascension to heaven on 21 October. Camping's first stab at nailing the Rapture advised Christians to get their earthly affairs in order before 6 September …


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  1. Axe

    Ha Ha Harold is a fraud.

    OMG, I'm loving evey minute of this, how stupid can some people be?

  2. Ian Yates

    Bad tactic

    Seems he's going for the "I'm bound to get it right eventually" approach.

    He clearly isn't very good at calculating probability (although, if it happens before his prediction, I don't suppose anyone would take him up on it).

  3. a53

    I guess

    if he lives long enough he'll get it right, one day.

    1. Naughtyhorse

      credulous moron

      really? the bible?

      are you sure??

      i thought it was just an unbelieveable jewish folk tale about a snake and an apple.

      oh yes i was/am/will be correct.

      rupture - my arse

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Thumb Up

        That depends which part you read

        If you read the "Song of Songs" part it can also be considered as a very believable Jewish folk tale about T*TS and SH*GGING.

        If you take the text literally of course...

      2. Anonymous Coward

        Rupture your arse?

        I'll have to say "thanks but no thanks" to that offer!

  4. illiad

    guess what he says on 22nd?

    er... 3rd time lucky???

    1. Code Monkey

      What he says on 22nd

      "My bad everyone. It turns out it was all a load of Bronze-age superstition that some of us all took a bit too seriously. Now how about we all stop blowing each other up over who's invisible friend is best and just - y'know - get on."

      Well I can dream, can't I?

    2. KjetilS


      This *is* his third attempt :)

    3. John Smith 19 Gold badge


      "er... 3rd time lucky???"

      More like 4th.

      He's had a previous go at this and it did not work out then.

      Numerical overflow bugs can be *so* pernicious.

      1. Someone Else Silver badge

        That's what happens when... try to do math w/ NaNs. (You don't really think deific math is done with rational numbers, do you?)

    4. Peter Simpson 1

      Third time lucky?

      More like 3 strikes and you're out!

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I'm not religious..

    but isn't there something in that book about False Prophets?

    1. Code Monkey
      Thumb Down

      That book

      There's something in that book about it being easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. It doesn't stop these bastards lining their pockets.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        It's easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle...

        ...if you pass it through a liquidiser first.

        1. Anonymous Coward

          Credit where it's due.

          You got that idea from seeing this Luke Surl cartoon, didn't you?

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward


            I've never previously heard of the guy nor seen his poorly drawn comics. I do however admit that this particular aphorism isn't my own: I got it from Les Barker, the comedic poet.

            1. Anonymous Coward

              I stand corrected.

              Wonder if Surl is a Barker fan?

  6. Axe


    Mumbo Jumbo.

    we're all going to die I tells ya......

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    for spouting the bullshite and FREAKS listening to him.

    Clearly a case for sectioning.

  8. Evil Auditor Silver badge

    He missed it by one day only!

    Camper's whole doomsday already happend, just neither him nor many others noticed the ascension crap but proof is at El very Reg: only the only REALLY holynoshitty iThing ascended to heaven in due time:

    How to correctly claim this to the insurer remains to be seen but given that the world as we knew it already ended it that doesn't really matter, does it?

    1. Anonymous Coward

      as already mentioned...

      acts of god tend not to be covered ;)

  9. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

    Is this like String Theory?

    Make test! Reality doesn't comply? No problem, clarify what you _really_ wanted to say.

    Also, imaginary friends in the sky etc.

  10. Steen Hive


    That is all.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down


    That is all

  12. Anonymous Coward

    Mathematical error

    he's not the first...Homer Simpson made one too...

    1. John I'm only dancing

      Crayon up his nose

      Has our hero got one like Homer?

  13. adnim

    Complex numbers

    Got his maths right now has he? Removed the imaginary numbers from his equations perhaps?

    "Camping now says he simply misinterpreted the word of God"

    As do the millions of others who use the so called word of god to control, manipulate and subjugate the gullible.


    Because scripture and the alleged word of god are usually interpreted to agree with and support the motive, morality and agenda of those doing the interpreting. I would be very surprised if a correct and unbiased interpretation of any scripture ever surfaced.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      You're just jealous

      because you got left behind.

      1. Ken Hagan Gold badge

        Re: you got left behind

        Isn't that a more reasonable explanation? That this guy got his sums right but last Saturday there *were* no righteous folks worth taking up and so we're all damned in five months? You've got to admit, it fits the evidence.

        1. laird cummings

          Who'd notice, really?

          3 million to be saved, and 7 billion + on the planet - That's less than 3 in 7000 to be 'saved' - I bet on an average day, there are more than 3 in 7000 missing persons cases, world-wide. If indeed a 'rapture' were to happen, I'm willing to bet no one notices it.

          1. Jonathan Richards 1 Silver badge

            You lose

            3 in 7000 is 0.04%. At that attrition rate, half the world's population would go missing in 1,617 days, which is about four and a half years. I'm willing to bet we'd be noticing if persons went missing at that rate.

            The global death rate is about 155,000 people per day, currently. Three million "saved" could be gleaned in twenty days at that rate, and REALLY nobody would notice.

      2. Geoff Campbell Silver badge


        I would have been positively offended had I not been left behind, personally.


  14. ici.chacal

    Jeeezus Wept...

    Can someone just shut this guy up once and for all..?! I'm bored now...

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Makes perfect sense really

    Camping clearly underestimated the length of time it takes to spend his ill-gotten $70 million.

    So, is everyone ready for The Great Disappointment 2.0?

    1. KjetilS

      The Great Disappointment 2.0?

      It's actually 3.0 this time :)

      1. Asiren


        This is merely a refinement on Disappointment 2.0, so it should be 2.1, no?

  16. Sarah Davis

    Ridicule Arse

    well now that's just asking for trouble as more people world wide are aware of this moron and his predictions and so greater lampoonings can be prepared for. He must be a glutton for punishment - unless he dies first (which he's probably banking on).

    Predictive FAIL enabled

    1. ElReg!comments!Pierre

      One born every minute...

      ... and I fail to see how much more of an arse he is than the others I-have-an-invisible-bearded-friend-in-the-sky types (or the "astrologues"). He is however a bit more ridiculous, everyone in the business knows the absolute rule is "never give hard deadlines", that's just distributing sticks and begging to be beaten with'em.

      Actually his strategy is quite alright: if he or his followers keep predicting the end of the world for long enough they will probably end up being right once (although I'm not sure about this rapture thing; I feel like it might be a bit hard to breathe from the stratosphere up)

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Should be jailed

    Harold is a confidence trickster, plain and simple. He is lying to people to extract money. Couldn't someone bring criminal charges against him?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      The problem is that it is a confidence trick calling on the name of God, so no one wants to risk the hollier-than-thou argument and accuse him of anything.

      If you wrap yourself up in enough religious trappings you can get away with almost anything - even rape.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        The law doesn't notice religion

        Plenty of people claiming religious authority end up being found guilty in court. If there's a problem, it's more that the victims are called on to forgive the perpetrator (and do so). For serious crimes, this still doesn't stop the law provided they can obtain enough evidence.

        I'm not saying there isn't a time and place for forgiveness, but it shouldn't prevent the law from following its normal course. Harold is clearly continuing to make fraudulent claims and should be stopped. He cannot claim the Bible supports his statements either, because it also expressly warns against people who do this. In other words, this was always serious fraud whether you claim to be a Christian or not.

  18. nsld
    Paris Hilton

    This ones for the doom prophet...

    Genesis - land of confusion

    Highly appropriate methinks.

    Paris - equally predictable

    1. John Smith 19 Gold badge


      Appropriate in this case but Genesis have something extra special for TV evangelists.

      Look up "Jesus he knows me (and he knows I'm right)"

      1. nsld


        Another good choice but its the video that sells it for land of confusion, I can see this guy riding a dinosaur to the apocalypse.

      2. mark 63 Silver badge


        so do the Levellers - "Plastic Jesus"

  19. Anonymous Coward


    "was not really the end of the world but the spiritual beginning of the physical end",

    If that means he made himself look like an arse to most of the world then he is right.

  20. Oliver Mayes

    Double standards again

    If I stand out in public saying that I hear voices and screaming at the top of my voice that they're telling me that the world is going to end I'd get a nice new jacket with the long sleeves that tie up round the back.

    But apparently if I claim that the voice in my head is god I would instead get media coverage.

    1. laird cummings


      Both, most likely.

  21. Greg J Preece

    What an absolute prick

    Hopefully his followers won't be so deluded next time around.

  22. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

    Rapture 1.0 still in beta testing

    The software will be ready real soon now.

    IT: Solving today's problems tomorrow - or perhaps the next day...

    I thought the whole idea of the rapture was you should not know in advance when it is going to be. That way the churches get a steady revenue stream instead of a bunch of sinners repenting the night before.

  23. burnard

    New Yorker Robert Fitzpatrick - Jeered in Times Square

    You shouldn't laugh at the mentally handicaped!

    1. Lord Elpuss Silver badge


      Handicaped(n) = Batman's sartorial accoutrement equipped with quick-release fastenings

  24. BristolBachelor Gold badge

    Gravity at fault

    It's the fault of gravity; it's stronger now than it used to be, so he couldn't ascend properly.

    However if he goes to get to the top of a very high building, and launches himself into the air, the (very very slightly) reduced effect of gravity means that he will be able to ascend and the world really will end.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      Don't you mean Intelligent Falling? Only unsaved atheist imbeciles believe in anything as clearly insane as the "theory" of gravity.

    2. Apocalypse Later


      ...has indeed increased in the last few years. I first noticed it about the time I turned 50, and it has gotten progressively worse.

  25. Seanmon
    Thumb Up

    21st October?

    Shortly after my birthday. Who's up for a 3 day bender?

  26. Whitter

    Matthew 24:36

    That is all.

  27. Barney Carroll

    Matthew 24 [1]

    The Bible is pretty clear on this kind of stuff [1]. For those not so interested in reading the unabridged passage, a few relevant excerpts:

    ‎"… many false prophets will appear and deceive many people … and then the end will come … but about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son … that is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man … you do not know on what day your Lord will come … the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him …"

    So saying the Bible is a load of old shit anyway misses a pertinent point for the people giving this bloke the time of day: the Bible, load of old shit or not, specifically warns against wankers like him.


    1. lglethal Silver badge

      Wait, what?

      "but about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son..."

      So not even Jesus knows when its gonna happen? So one day the dude will be sitting on the toilet, or maybe having a shower and suddenly boom he's dropped on to Earth and expected to save people? Thats one hell of a way to start your day... I dont imagine he'll be in a particularly good mood at that point, how about you?

      1. phlashbios

        And lo the land will be defecated...

        Jesus...sitting on the toilet you say?

        Holy Shit?

        1. Sir Runcible Spoon


          Will it be like that bit in Harry Poo-ter when they flush the loo and 'pass on through' ?

      2. Velv


        If you've done six impossible things this morning, why not round it off with breakfast at Milliway's, the Restaurant at the End of the Universe

      3. laird cummings

        " day the dude will be sitting on the toilet..."

        Is there poop in Heaven..? I thought we'd all be done with all that messy biological stuff...

        Anyway, so what you're saying is that Jesus has to have his Messiah Bag packed and ready to go at all times (And what DOES one keep in a Messiah Bag, anyway..? Suntan lotion? Bermuda shorts?).

    2. laird cummings

      "...the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him..."

      So, basically, Jesus is a Ninja..?

      1. Anonymous Coward

        Jesus ninja & Chuck Norris

        Chuck Norris knows when Jesus is coming before Jesus does. Because ninja's are ultra-slow-motion target practise for Chuck.

        What? no Chuck icon?

      2. Evil Auditor Silver badge

        @Iaird cummings

        "So, basically, Jesus is a Ninja..?" No, he's the Spanish Inquisition.

  28. Ben Holmes


    Has this guy ever considered a career in politics? His level of spin makes Alistair Campbell look like a rank amateur.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      That's because...

      ...he is a rank amateur.

      You wanna speak to the flappy-eared, silver-tongued one - Tony Blair. The war-crime dodging, lizard-marrying, slimy barsteward.

  29. TeeCee Gold badge

    I have a cunning plan.

    Could we get the gay community to officially declare him a "gay icon" please?

    Then he'll be dropped like a hot rock by the Christian Right and burned in effigy by the more barking wingnuts of the bible belt.

    After all, this trick seems to work for everything else.

  30. Svantevid


    "Robert Fitzpatrick (...) was left firmly standing in a drizzly Times Square at 6pm on Saturday, with the jeers of tourists rather than a fanfare of celestial trumpets ringing in his ears."


    What celestial trumpets? I was under the impression all the best musicians ended up in Hell.

    1. Peter Simpson 1


      He must not be from around here. In NYC, that would be the sound of taxi horns.

      //choir of angels?

      //yelling very un-angelic things

    2. laird cummings

      Ya gotta get hot... play real cool!

  31. Nigel Brown

    Einstein got it right

    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe.”

    1. BristolBachelor Gold badge

      Einstein also said...

      Insanity is: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

      So how many times is this guy going to say "The world is going to end, and it will be on...." ?

  32. mdava

    I dislike religion

    That is all.

  33. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    If there really is a god..

    Then expending a couple of joules of godly energy to smite this old fart dead would be a much better investment than wasting good ol planet earth (He's 89 and nearly fuckin' dead anyway!)

  34. TeeCee Gold badge

    Look on the bright side.

    There's something in here that I'll bet the lads in the Post Rapture pet care trade didn't expect.

    Repeat business.

    1. Simon Round
      Paris Hilton

      Look on the bright side.

      I think you will find that Repeat Business is exactly what the Post Rapture pet care trade did expect.

      The saying 'A fool as his money are easily parted' has never been more true.

      Paris: because I wouldn't mind looking after her pet beaver post Rapture.....

  35. Alan 6 Silver badge

    Lost in translation

    Anyone ever read an instruction manual translated from modern Korean into modern English? Laughable aren't they.

    Yet the god botherers somehow reckon that a book translated from ancient Hebrew and Aramaic into English via ancient Greek & Latin is somehow the exact word of the sky captain.

    Idiots doesn't come close to describing these people

    1. LaeMing

      There is a difference, though.

      The Korean instruction manual wasn't translated with a view to social manipulation in the name of the status quo at the time of translation, on top of all the rest.

  36. Jacqui

    Hmm post rapture petcare

    I did post an article about Camper, saturday and PRPC to the jokes section of a certain dog rescue forum. Not one UK pet lover took me up on the offer (drat - I only asked for a donation of 1K to the rescue) but plenty had a good larf! I may have pee'd off a couple of "god-squad"ers but then it seems I can do that just by breathing these days.


    1. Apocalypse Later


      ... but, someone in the USA did offer after-rapture pet care successfully, getting 250 or so clients (pets have no souls, so wouldn't have ascended).

  37. Sam Liddicott

    error bars?

    He made a "mistake" last time, he might make one again this time. Can't he "pretend" he's going to be wrong again, work out the next best date, and repeat that a few times, and stop assuming this is favourite result is guaranteed spot on.

    Then he can publish a range of dates (with reasoning) or error bars or something.

    That would be a reasonable thing to do I think if he were honest or sensible.

    Right now he's asking folk to have faith in him rather than God - and I don't think God promised extra points for people who guessed right or who were waiting outside for when he arrived, or anything... I thought the general idea was for Christians to keep themselves busy so when God came He'd find them living good lives and not lounging waiting for Him.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      "Then he can publish a range of dates (with reasoning) or error bars or something."

      But that kind of implies science and real mathematics, the true believer scorns both...

      1. BoldMan

        Experimental Monotheism

        I like the idea of EM:

        We believe there is one god (±1 error bars)

      2. LaeMing

        But the whole point of these types of belief

        is to assert a feeling of certainty where none otherwise would be.

        The reason hard-core religious types hate science is that it works in current-best-guess-according-to-observed-data. Also why hard-core religious types are so prone to pulling the "controversy" flag - they are cognitively incapable of understanding that scientific claims are always based on probability of correctness and ongoing corrections rather than claims of immutable certainty.

        The error bars are always there, whether explicitly stated or not - it is an in-built part of the definition of science.

  38. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Chaucer's ghost

    It's pretty obvious that Harry Camping is re-enacting the Miller's Tale, diddling some fair Alyson while her husband is above stairs waiting for the second (and third and fourth, no doubt, our Harry looks like a lurv-machine) coming.

  39. Anonymous Coward

    I think Peter Cook, Jonathan Miller, Dudley Moore and Alan Bennett had the right idea

    I think "Beyond The Fringe" had the right idea. The cast: Peter Cook, Jonathan Miller, Dudley Moore and Alan Bennett.


    They are seated, huddled, on the top of a mountain…

    Jon : How will it be, this end of which you have spoken, Brother Enim?

    Omnes: Yes, how will it be?

    Peter : Well, it will be, as 'twere a mighty rending in the sky, you see, and the mountains shall sink, you see, and the valleys shall rise, you see, and great shall be the tumult thereof.

    Jon : Will the veil of the temple be rent in twain?

    Peter : The veil of the temple will be rent in twain about two minutes before we see the sign of the manifest flying beast-head in the sky.

    Alan : And will there be a mighty wind, Brother Enim?

    Peter : Certainly there will be a mighty wind, if the word of God is anything to go by…

    Dudley : And will this wind be so mighty as to lay low the mountains of the earth?

    Peter : No - it will not be quite as mighty as that - that is why we have come up on the mountain, you stupid nit - to be safe from it. Up here on the mountain we shall be safe - safe as houses.

    Alan : And what will happen to the houses?

    Peter : Well, naturally, the houses will be swept away and the tents of the ungodly with them, and they will all be consuméd by the power of the heavens and on earth - and serve them right!

    Alan : And shall we be consumed?

    Peter : Con..sum..éd? No, we shall not be consuméd - we shall be up on the mountain here, you see, while millions burn, having a bit of a giggle.

    Jon : When will it be, this end of which you have spoken?

    Omnes : Aye, when will it be - when will it be?

    Peter : In about thirty seconds time, according to the ancient pyramidic scrolls… and my Ingersoll watch.

    Jon : Shall we compose ourselves, then?

    Peter : Good plan, Brother Pithy. Prepare for the End of the World! Fifteen seconds…

    Alan : Have we got the tinned food?

    Dudley : Yes.

    Peter : Ten seconds…

    Jon : And the tin-opener?

    Dudley : Yes.

    Peter : Five - four - three - two - one - Zero!

    Omnes : (Chanting) Now is the end - Perish The World!

    A pause

    Peter : It was GMT, wasn't it?

    Jon : Yes.

    Peter : Well, it's not quite the conflagration I'd been banking on. Never mind, lads, same time tomorrow… we must get a winner one day.

  40. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Rapture Forever

    Perhaps the deity in question is waiting for a certain Duke Nukem Forever to be released before their own continually delayed apocalypse project can be completed.

  41. Sub Driver

    It's obvious

    Two words:

    Only in America

    I realise that is actually three words and that my initial two word prediction is some way off the mark but fear not for my next prediction will be bang on the money.

    Three words:

    Stupid Americans are stupid

    Man this prediction lark is hard. Don't you just hate it when stupid predictions hit cold, hard facts?

    1. laird cummings

      Europe already had it's go

      Millennialism got a good running start in Europe, long before y'all exported all your loonies over here and cursed us with people like Camping.

      I blame y'all for this mess.

  42. heyrick Silver badge


    The only question I have is why hasn't he been done for fraud?

    1. hplasm

      Friends in high places...


    2. LaeMing

      Re: Fraud

      I suspect he honestly believes his own claims. While a good number of these evangelical types are rather obviously nothing more than cynical con-men, I do get the impression that this poor guy is desperately clutching at straws to believe his ascention to heaven will happen before he pops his clogs.

      Note: formal doctorine (well some of them - I haven't encountered all of the myriad of re-edits) doesn't have you going to heaven as soon as you die. Your soul ceases to exist (or goes into suspension, or elsewhere neither heaven or earth) until Jesus returns and resurects you, at which time your soul pops back into existence and you are raised again bodily whole and ascend to heaven.

      Incidentially: as such, you are not just competing with everyone alive today for those exclusive few thou. spots at God's right hand, but with everyone who ever lived (well in the past 6000 years at least).

  43. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    He should just say the world ends tomorrow, he's bound to be right with that one, seeing as tomorrow never comes because it becomes today.

  44. Loki23

    Party Time!

    I was annoyed I didn't know about the May deadline in time to organise an Atheist Apocalypse Party - however I have now been given another chance!

    October 21st is a Friday too - drink like it's the end of the world!

  45. Inachu

    ITS A SHAM!!! A PLOY!!!

    People like Harold Camping are trying to sucker in people thinking he is a normal christian but that is far from the truth.

    The whole whoopdie doo hoople is trying to get people to convert to be 7th day adventists who are people with same mindset like Harold Camping who think they can reduce the Bible to a a numerical code to explain away everything with numbers.

    They are the same loony grou who think that if you do get sick then it is a sign of bad faith as a real christian would NEVER get sick under any circumstance. So yeah its a cult Harold is leading.

  46. Cihatari

    Surely there's no such thing as the rapture for modern tech-aware audiences?

    Unless Steve Jobs announces it first.

    "Ladies and gentleman, I present, the iRapture!"

  47. Chad H.


    He already said the spiritual beginning of the end happened at the end of the church age.

  48. mhoulden

    Forget Matthew

    I prefer Revelation 22:18-19: "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book. And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. "

    Of course any book written by lots of people in a range of different languages over thousands of years will have contradictions and inconsistencies, so it's best not to take it too literally. Even the opening few pages have two different versions of the creation, which makes the Creationists look even sillier than they do already. "Which creation are you talking about, Genesis 1:1-2:2 or Genesis 2:5 onwards?"

  49. Anonymous Coward

    Just an Idea

    Maybe someone could organise a massive Light and sound show, sort of Jean Michel Jarre-esque around Campings House for October 21st. How cool would that be?

    Thunderous Bass To make the Ground shake, Lots of white Lights and Lasers, Dry Ice, strobes, and the "Voice of God" or Metatron or whatever, coming on, and announcing what a C*ck he's been!

    Just an Idea. :)

  50. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    it almost happened

    But Chuck Norris kicked Jesus back to paradise.

  51. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    "we're just learning that we have to be a little more spiritual about this."

    Alternatively, just learning that you have to be less knee-wobblingly gullible and stupid could also work.

  52. sisk

    He sure did

    "now says he simply misinterpreted the word of God "

    Yeah, I'd say so. In Matthew 24:36 Christ himself said that even he didn't know when the second coming would be, but this guy thinks he can work it out by reading the scriptures? Why in the world would anyone fall for this the first time, let alone the second or (now) the third?

    Harold Camping is considered a nutcase even amoungst Christians, at least the ones I know.

  53. Anonymous Coward

    YahWeh is just a spoilt kid

    Did anyone seriously believe that the Goddess who actually created everything would really let her spoilt obnoxious kid brother destroy it?

    Of course, Skynet will have a damn good try to eliminate humans......

  54. ratfox

    Judgement day is TODAY!!!

    Duke Nukem Forever has gone gold.

    The flames of Hell are upon us!

    1. DryBones

      Not a bit of it

      I think you'll find you meant Hell has frozen over.

  55. davenewman

    He was right but ..

    There were only 2 perfect Christians in the world to be elevated in the rapture. Camping and the rest failed because they couldn't bring themselves to love their enemies.

  56. Anonymous Coward

    If church signs were honest about the rapture...

    Hilarious photoshop job at someecards:

  57. Mario Thomas


    I've asked him to be available for an interview on 22 October - as I should think he would be free then. No response yet.

  58. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    "I have never, ever told anyone I'm infallible. But God is infallible."

    Uh hu, that's why (s)he/it spoke to someone who would fail to predict the end of the world, twice...

  59. Big_Boomer

    Wrong, wrong, WRONG!

    I was wrong in 1994.

    I was wrong on the 21 May.

    On the 22nd October I am going to be REALLY wrong!!

    Like anyone expects any sense from most GodBotherers.

  60. Anonymous Coward

    The good news is....

    I won't have to worry about a Halloween costume this year (or ever again!)

    Linux penguin, because I was going to dress as him!!

  61. Blofeld's Cat

    Meanwhile ...

    At 32.58N 35.18E there sits a figure on a pale horse talking into an iPhone.

    "Did nobody make the cut then Boss? Oh I see... Postponed until 21 October... Going for the Big Bang rather than the steady burn... OK I'll tell the other three."

  62. atomic jam


    "We're not changing a date at all; we're just learning that we have to be a little more spiritual about this"

    Maybe they should be a bit more mathematical about this, I mean, we've all accidentally brought a bible to math class by mistake (due unhealthily low levels of caffeine), where 1/0=eternal damnation.

    My first post hurra!!!!

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