Online retail in australia...
“It is still early days in Australia when it comes to online retail and to support our next phase of growth we were open to overseas investors who could share a different perspective into the online retail market, as well as bring new skills, advice and contacts to further our growth and expansion,” they said.
I'm sure a different perspective would be useful. it would be most useful if applied to the Australian government who make Aussie retail the joke it is at the moment. Why would I bother ordering from an Australia site when I (as a private citizen) can get good delivered from overseas more cheaply than the retailers are allowed to buy them from the importers? Importers who, AFAICT, are given legal monopoly status which allows them to set whatever price they like and gives retailers no recourse to the international marketplace.
Of course high prices on imports are part of the idea it seems, to stimulate Australian business. Except I'm afraid I don't know of any Aussie branded TV or computer hardware, and if there is any I'm sure they're just a brand on top of chinese, korean, japanese or other asian manufacturing.
Time for Oz to drop this spectacular legal/monetary screwup and embrace the free market.