You didn't ask about business models...
In fairness, you asked about technologies, not business models. Where I see MeeGo's business opportunity is in the vertically-integrated device market (in-car systems are one area, but I can see uses in public information kiosks, industrial control and monitoring and having the OS embedded into existing consumer electronics products). Android would have been a good candidate here, but Google has gone on a consumer push, and their new "open-ish" approach to the tablet OS fork will deter a lot of small solutions providers from choosing it. The missing piece is a commodity tablet chassis. Intel haven't helped matters, but I'm sure there's a lot of activity in Taiwan right now, and I hope we'll see these boards pretty soon.
On the languages, sorry, I can't agree. Almost nobody knew Objective-C when iPhone came out, but a couple of years later, there's an army of Objective-C developers. If there's a market, a good programmer can learn a language and API -- even one as irritating as ObjC.
I would argue that Android's success has less to do with being Java-based than with Google giving the system away for free to handset makers. Developers saw a growing market, so they went for it. And don't forget, a lot of Android apps are C-based too, especially games and existing open-source ports.
Incidentally, Qt is available on Android (and iOS). It's not officially supported by Nokia, but as it's an open-source platform, people can do what they want with Qt. Ironically, the only platform you can't get Qt onto is...
... Windows Phone.