Nice, But...
Wouldn't Sony be better off spending resources on securing it's web services?
Sony has claimed it has revolutionised Augmented Reality (AR) by eliminating the need for markers in the real world on which to key virtual graphics. According to Sony, its SmartAR technology uses "object recognition technology" to spot real objects, such as photographs and posters, plus Sony's proprietary "'3D space …
"eliminating the need for markers in the real world"
"'object recognition technology' to spot real objects, such as photographs and posters"
AKA "markers"?
So, it's still needs markers, just not pre-defined ones?
A nice advance, but it's a poorly written article/press release.
I think they mean it doesn't require the card to be in view or be marked with a special symbol. Existing AR tech in use by consoles etc uses the cards to supplement the data from a gyro / e-compass, but cannot work out the subtle nuances of movement from the camera alone. This can.
It's not totally new tech (see Imagineer's "Mocha") but to do this in realtime on a handheld console would actually be rather impressive.
It's like the difference between a standard wii controller and kinect. You can sort of do the same thing but kinect knows a lot more info about you rather than having to make rather large assumptions.