What do you Expect?
The bloody place is full of Thievs!
Keith Vaz, MP for Leicester East and chair of the Home Affairs Committee, is outraged that some scrote has nicked an iPad and actual, real laptop from his offices. No word on whether the office was locked or not but Vaz is outraged at the lack of security, according to the Beeb. He said a "more robust approach" to security was …
This is a brilliant way of saving on expenses. Just take an item known to cause the same symptoms as not having an iPad - which pseudo-science can easily show to be a tomato - and dilute it to one part in a trillion. Hey presto, iPads for all politicians and civil servants and all it takes is one very large batch of extremely weak tomato juice.
Form a committee to plan the operation and it should only cost around 3 or 4 billion quid.
"No word on whether the office was locked or not but Vaz is outraged at the lack of security, according to the Beeb. He said a "more robust approach" to security was needed."
I Agree Vaz!
Fire you and employ someone who can look after expensive gadgets that have been given to you via the tax payers pocket. not to mention the data that has been lost on said gadgets.
What with it being small and easy to lift.
But you should be able to leave your laptop at your workplace and have it still be there the following day. Why should you have to lug your tools home when you know fine they're not going to be used?
Ok, if the office does have a klepto knocking about then I'd expect my employer to get me a Kensington lock, but I don't think it's unreasonable to not have to kart stuff around and be responsible for it when you don't need it.
Would be to transfer the running of the Palace of Westminster to Her Majesty's Prison Service and make sure all the "criminals" are locked away safely...
As far as running the country, I'm sure it will take care of itself (or at least not go to pot as quickly as it would with most of the muppets from the last 25 years)....
As for the Laptop, that's on its way to thay mysterious place where things like navel fluff goes. ITs called 'god knows where'
However MP's Laptops get special treatment. Their encrypted HDD's are decrypted and all the PRON made public.
All the classified stuff goes in the bin. The NOTW knows about it already as don't they have a tap on every MP's & Celeb's phones by now. Voicemail hacking is so 2000's.
Paris coz she wouldn't be caught losing her lap to a top like Vaz like that.
... Keithy. Like you, a large proportion have been shown as being thieves and fraudsters, and a few have actually gone to jail (as you should have). If you had any common sense you would bolt everything down in your current work environment - you are stupid for not doing so.
Kensington must have a few of their marketting dudes posting in these comments. The things are nigh on useless. It is well known that you can open them with a piece of cardboard in a few seconds. I know this to be true because I had to do it when I lost the key to one.