Do want.
Germans - they now how to party in an Italian Sci-Fi Flick way.
Those of you who feel you're not sufficiently well rewarded for all your hard work should consider alerting your boss to the employee incentive techniques of German insurance outfit Ergo. Back in 2007, the company's Hamburg-Mannheimer International subsidiary decided it would be a nice gesture to whisk 100 "particularly …
But I'd rather have a monetary reward and organise my own entertainment. Besides which I wouldn't want to wet my willy in the same pot as my colleagues and they probably feel the same way. No doubt salesmen are a different bunch.
Also, what did their saleswomen get?
... that there's no historical precedent in which successful German men were rewarded with the systematic and well-organised procurement of women (categorised according to who was permitted to make use of them, and marked on their arms) in Eastern Europe in order to provide them with sexual gratification.
My job role includes tidying up and placating people after the more egrerious gaffes and blunders of certain rogue (and soon to be dismissed) members of our sales force. I guess a similar system of 'payments in kind' is included in their renumeration package as well?
If you've had any 'interaction' whatsoever with 'the fairer sex', then trust me, you have paid for it one way or another. Just maybe not in monetary terms. If your married (like me 25 yrs+ ) then you never ever stop making the frikkin payments.
Women...can't live with em.........I'll get me coat.
Hans...'enough for two Ja?'
Wet your willy in the same pot?
I believe the correct English expression is 'porridge' - as in 'I prefer not to stir the porridge'. A sentiment I heartily echo.
(yes, you can learn a lot about English expressions listening to a NY Rock Station, streaming via the net, that has a regular Englishman in the studio)
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I think I've witnessed some of the most depraved behaviour imaginable in Germany, by accident you understand, far beyond anything I seen in Amsterdam or more tame cities like Vegas. So this doesn't really surprise me that much, at least not as much as the woman on stage with the 6 foot dildo..
... albeit not that one.
And I designed one or two apps for various adviser "incentive" schemes. Whilst I was never aware of anything that overt, let's just say that even before reading this, nothing like it would have surprised me.
Would be fascinating to discover whether any of the prostitutes were trafficked from countries previously "favoured with the Germans' attention".
Badgers because, well, there's no "Beavers" sign.
The fact that it took soooo long for someone to mention "latex" tells me that, regardless of your ribald, macho comments, the vast majority of you are either in monogamous relationships or banging the ole sausage every night. That's so sweet. Big smooches to each and every one of you darlings.
There really should be a condom icon here, Sarah.
Dear Reg:
If you really wanted to do some useful investigative reporting for your readership, you'd find out what company these organizers are at now, and whether said company is hiring or not!!
Paris, because--well, you'll figure it out....