I'm not and never will be a member of the "elite" whatever the hell that means. I am still concerned with the likes of Schmidt and his ilk and their whole "industry" that seems to think we are there to provide them with a free ride
MY data is MINE! If it is to be monetized commercialized or anything else of that nature then I expect to the the beneficiary of that transaction.
I am sick of parasites like Google and the ad industry treating me as a data source/marketing opportunity. My movements on the web are ***k all to do with anyone at Google of any of its parasitic partners. Similarly my wifi presence is in the clear for friends to access it, not for Google to use it for commercial purposes.
You have to wonder at the total corruption of governments that they allow the business parasites so much freedom to pry into our lives - the situation needs re-balancing
Let me put this as bluntly as possible Google advertisers et al/..
Get your ****ing noses out of my private data and stop tracking my movements - this from a non elite - and I know plenty of others that feel the same.