Just more evidence of the wider problems
Sorry but this touches a nerve with me and hence this'll be a bit of a rant in places.
Personally, I feel that the only legislation required here is one which makes parents be responsible and accountable.
You don't need technology for this*, just (un)common sense. Put the computer where you can see it.
It really does feel like we're breeding generation after generation of mindless idiot drones who understand absolutely nothing about personal responsibility (warning: contents may be hot on a McDonald's cup of tea or coffee...well it f*cking ought to be otherwise, why would I have bought it springs to mind as an example).
Isn't it just another brick in the wall of a complete breakdown of society?
Like these parents that say things like "My little Tommy is a good lad/is uncontrollable" (delete as appropriate)...what a load of garbage - YOU are the adult and YOU are the parent. Make time for them, give them the attention kids deserve and need, help them be a kid for as long as possible (you're a long time as an adult if you're lucky) and BE ACCOUNTABLE. Children turn out the way they do because of how they're brought up, not because of the state or because someone (be it an ISP or a video game producer or the government etc) "lets them down" and/or "corrupts their minds".
If little Tommy starts breaking and entering at age 12, then take a two-pronged approach. One - the time they should serve simply accrues until they hit 16 and they do it all concurrently. Two - the parents should be made accountable and if necessary, punished. I bet it wouldn't take long before they started to make their kids behave a bit better?
My eldest son is 9 soon. He can't add friends to his XBox without my password (he doesn't know it).
He can't use a computer unless it's where I or his mum can see it.
He isn't out wandering the streets at 10pm.
We spend time together - walks, the park playing football, board games etc as a family.
It ain't fecking rocket science, just (un)common sense.
Sorry but these self-proclaimed "experts" (in what, exactly? What're your qualifications in this particular field, Justine? You founded a website for mums...wow) and people who pass the buck really get up my nose. If you're a parent, then in terms of your child's behaviour and well-being, the buck stops with you.
*Yes I realise there is technology available and K9 web protection is great for this, BUT it doesn't need to be used.
</end rant>