Work AND play user...
I've got the iPad doing a whole host of things now, some of which the laptop does better but I can do them wherever I want now without carting a laptop about.
- Web site maintenance (note, I know CSS and HTML, it's not a WYSIWYG job)
- Documents (DOC / basic excel)
- Cloud server admin via browser
- email
- trend research and tech updates via twitter, etc
- custom google RSS feeds for job related news
- satnav(!) when required
- kindle and iBooks
- SugarSync for online shared storage
- RDP access to machines via PocketCloud (this works REALLY well)
- Network diagnostics (PING, traceroute, etc plus
- games
- music production with MIDI / live audio using NanoStudio and GarageBand, plus iAmBeatBox, Soundprism, ...
- Blogger
- A million messaging accounts
- Google analytics for the websites I look after (another excellent app)
- Google tasks via GeeTasksPro (excellent)
- Meeting notes via Infinote (another excellent app)
- Weather and traffic
If you want it to, the iPad can do a serious amount of work. A lot of these applications have had their touch interface interaction thought about really deeply, and as a result they work beautifully, doing a fast job well and with simplicity.
I can't recommend the iPad enough. I've had a brief play with a Galaxy Tab, which was pretty good, but I don't have a lot of experience of other fondleslabs. I'd say they do genuinely have a job to do - like a lot of good new tech (especially during the early adoption phase within society), there's a lot who don't see the point (remember when they said steam trains would asphyxiate people!).
I think the fact that touchscreen single-unit devices have been trying to get a foothold this long and have suddenly taken off is an indicator of a few things - mainly cheaper, better controllers and screens and battery life enhancements, but in the main I suspect the emergence of better UI engineering has much to do with it. This is one area where tablets are kicking the crap out of the old WIMP ideology. Long may it continue.