back to article Downing Street e-petition site to get new Directgov home

Number 10 Downing Street's defunct e-petition site will soon find a new home in the government's Directgov website, which is currently under review and is likely to be replaced within the next year. Labour MP Diana Johnson asked the Leader of the House of Commons and Tory MP George Young when British citizens would be be able …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Why bother?

    They didn't listen to us then; they're not going to listen to us now.

    1. Graham Marsden


      ... it gives the People a forum where they can cry out in the belief that someone, somewhere in Government, will hear their pleas and actually give a shit instead of going ahead and doing whatever they want...

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        In other words:

        Distracts the People from the process of giving up on The Government and taking direct action, like they should when 'governed' by liars and thieves aka What Western Democracy Boils Down To.

  2. Samuel Walker

    Keep it simple

    Also accessible by:


  3. damocles

    Standard naming conventions?

    "It's unclear if the prototype could eventually be morphed into the Directgov brand, or if the government's strategy boutique will be enlisted to come up with a new name."

    Alphagov, betagov and finally...


  4. irish donkey
    Thumb Down

    Could we have an analysis done on...

    How many idea's were submitted.

    How many idea's were read?

    How many idea's were debated?

    How many idea's made it into law?

    How much money it all cost

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Here's Your Analysis

      How many idea's were submitted. - LOADS

      How many idea's were read? - VERY FEW

      How many idea's were debated? - NONE

      How many idea's made it into law? - NONE

      How much money it all cost - SHIT LOADS


  5. Chad H.


    Does it eventually get replaced with BetaGov?

    1. lightman
      Black Helicopters


      No ! It only gets replaced by NuGov which is no Beta than Alpha !

  6. lightman

    Chocolate Chip ?

    I hope their new site will conform to the ludicrous cookie legislation they have enacted !

  7. Anonymous Coward

    Petition to stop petitions

    They refused my petition to stop the use of petitions :)

  8. TeeCee Gold badge

    A formal debate for anything with more than 100,000 signatures?

    Ah well, that's Parliament tied up debating EU membership, petrol prices and the death penalty in perpetuity then.

    Actually, would that be a bad thing?

  9. Richard Porter

    Single online presence

    <<"Alphagov is a working title – if the project is developed, a permanent name for the single online presence for government would be decided," said the Cabinet Office.>>

    Well wtf is

  10. Anonymous Coward

    Why don't just do it and change it to all to ?

    To so obsessed in doing that away.

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