Not quite
“All states possess an inherent right to self-defense"
Unless it's the USA invading them of course.
The Obama Administration has put the world on notice that hack attacks directed against US assets could be met with military action. “When warranted, the United States will respond to hostile acts in cyberspace as we would to any other threat to our country,” the White House said in a long-expected policy, titled The …
Some of us Americans dislike or even hate the way the United States government has prosecuted it's foreign policy, myself included, but almost all of us hate being lumped into this 'Ugly American' cancer cluster category that so many Europeans, Asians and middle easterners so willingly place us.
As there are consequences for everyone's actions I invite and encourage you to stand up for what you believe in. So if you are being invaded by someone stand-up or shut-up!
I think you will find we dislike americans as a People not as individuals.
Although im sure there a plenty of unpleasant ignorant people in every country on this planet. You just got greedy and took the major share.
Why we dislike you.
"All necersarry means ..... consistent with applicable international law,"
Hmm Cuba ring any bells here. Americans dont give a fuck about international law.
Don't point your "we" at me. I don't dislike the "American people", as there is no such thing. Demonising a people is the first step to ... a big fucking lesson from history.
Nice quote, by the way. Do you think Great Britain has never acted contrary to its own moral directives? Care to explain to me exactly what's going on in Libya right now?
"Stand up or shut up." Hmm, how's that working out in the Middle East anyway? South America? SE Asia.
Over the last half century the US has killed millions who's basic crime was objecting to the presence of the US where it wasn't welcome.
Prior to that, the US killed millions of its OWN people, for daring to have the "wrong" skin colour, and for occupying land that people of the "right" skin colour wanted for themselves.
In the seventies and eighties, when IRA (Noraid) terrorist fundraising was being openly conducted in some US cities with the purpose of purchasing explosives and armaments for assassinations and the bombing of cities and civilians within the UK. The US only seemed opposed to terrorism once this started occurring inside the US.
The Israelis conduct such actions abroad with a degree of plausible deniability. When the US do it, they don't bother with plausible deniability, because their domestic propaganda always seems to take priority over their foreign and diplomatic relations.
and the other twits who were engaged in those activities. No extreme rendition necessary. But for some reason instead of being condemned for such activities, he seems to be one of the people most praised on your side of the pond.
is sauce for the gander.
So presumably they won't mind if other world powers take the same attitude and do some militarised arse-kicking of american nationals in the USA who take part in cyber attacks on other countries?
Though historically, a lot of the "attacks on the US", have come from it's own citizens inside the country.
Homophones that are spelled differently (Hetero - other, Graph - writing). Most people would merely have pointed to the fact that it's a homophone, as that's the psychological cause of such errors.
@All: What's with the endless grammar Nazism? One minute y'all decry soft subjects like English, the next, you're trying to treat English like it's set theory with axioms and lemmas and rigidly defined usage.
And every time one of you does this, you commit some error of your own. In this instance, the following is orthographically incorrect:
Cue downvotes ...
for an inability to use the correct heterograph...
"As one retired US general has already conceded, not all attacks on government networks can accurately be considered an act of war. What's more, even when they can, it's often impossible to know which country is behind them."
The truth does kinda spoil a good war. The US are just lowering the the bar a little on how to get one started.
Quiz question:
Name the country which is known for it's "Cyber army", has the world's 3rd largest oil reserves at around 150 billion barrels but yet is the second largest gasoline importer in the world - just behind the US - at least until their first mega refinery starts working later this year?
The administration went on to say military force would be used only after all other options have been exhausted
"or when our political spin doctors are able to spin a tale that would legitimize said action”
“or when the President realizes that said war will net him a tidy profit due to his business interests”
“or when the US Military realize it has been 5 years since they had the chance to blow something/someone up outside of the training range”
“or when ……”
Warning: The title alone will make you puke, the US government is not responsible for your keyboard bills.
For those not opening the PDF (well done, who knows what the Whitehouse stuffed in there) the title of this fabulous document is:
"Prosperity, Security, and Openness in a Networked World"
I didn't even make it to the main text.
Actually maybe I should because my El Reg nickname might be considered an attack on US... Hopefully they'll have updated all their modems' firmware by now, if not, well sorry guys.
The US is a thrashing, dying entity.
Given how stretched their armed forces are, and how utterly broke they are I really can't see the US mounting any sort of serious operation into a country.
Iran gets it, and is constantly calling their bluff.
And before you all point out Libya, all the US is doing is launching cruise missiles. The US would be totally unable to commit any sort of troops to any theater of war now days.
I consider allowing the broadcast of FOX News to be an attack on all nations. More specifically, since FOX OTA broadcasts are receivable in Canadian territory, I do believe we have just cause to defend ourselves. An appropriate and proportional response would be to jam the frequencies used by FOX broadcasting stations near the Canadian border.
The only possible result is a better world.
"Remember when you look into the eyes of your dying, screaming, bloodied enemy, that it's ok so long as our children don't hear naughty language"
So many similarities between that America and the real one... thats the scary thing. And this was made before all these wars (1999)
The word "cyberspace" (from cybernetics and space) was coined by science fiction novelist and seminal cyberpunk author William Gibson in his 1982 story "Burning Chrome" and popularized by his 1984 novel Neuromancer. The portion of Neuromancer cited in this respect is usually the following:
Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation, by children being taught mathematical concepts... A graphic representation of data abstracted from the banks of every computer in the human system. Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light ranged in the nonspace of the mind, clusters and constellations of data. Like city lights, receding.
Despite its originally negative overtone, the term no longer carries a negative connotation.
Gibson later commented on the origin of the term in the 2000 documentary No Maps for These Territories:
All I knew about the word "cyberspace" when I coined it, was that it seemed like an effective buzzword. It seemed evocative and essentially meaningless. It was suggestive of something, but had no real semantic meaning, even for me, as I saw it emerge on the page.
"The digital world is no longer a lawless frontier, nor the province of a small elite. It is a place where the norms of responsible, just, and peaceful conduct among states and peoples have begun to take hold." .... "International Strategy for CyberSpace .... Prosperity, Security, and Openness in a Networked World .... May 2011"
In your dreams, baby, or whenever pigs can fly, in other words ....... which in a digital world, is easily arranged whenever you know what needs to be done, and how to do it with IT and Media Product Placement oneself, or else you will be fully reliant and dependent upon the brilliant future skill of others, mirrored in the ancient dark arts of past masters.
This has been common knowledge for those that have any for years.
It's previously been stated that an e-attack on friends of government (bankers etc...) could result in physical re-action by the military.
So im not sure what's new here other than the democrats got in the white house and the 'wars' haven't gone away.
Tourist ticket to <insert name of country you don't like/has oil/different religious or political views to you> from the US
Fire up your laptop a the airport
Hop onto the free wi-fi as you grab a coffee
'Hack' a US site
Fly home to the 'land of the free' as the missiles begin
Jeez every sheetwearing klan boy or book burning christian pastor is gonna love this one.
"It wasn't us attacking your country, it was evil haxors rooting boxes that are merely hosted here. Who knows where they could be from originally?"
Standard Chinese response, that one. Not that the US would ever do anything even as aggressive as sabre-rattling at the Chinese these days, of course... but if this bit of posturing encourages nations to work a little bit harder to prevent their citizens' computers being used as part of a botnet or the like, so much the better.
Entertaining thought, though... an inadequately secured computer now rather resembles any other piece of dual-use technology. Windows as a munition, anyone?
So according to this, if I have a virus which turns my PC into a hacker's proxy or helps in a DOS attack etc.. then according to the US, they think they have the justification to use military force against me! WTF! … like that kid and his family who was raided at gun point by the FBI for taking part in a DOS attack, only worse!. What next, I get a UAV targeting me, to blow my home up!
These dangerous bastards in the US government (on all sizes of the government) are not content with turning their own county into a Police State, they are trying to turn the whole world into their Police State all for their gain, and like this news is showing, we have to do exactly what they tell us to do … literally now at gun point!
I can't help shake the image from my mind of fearful US government officials, cowering in fear behind all their big weapons to make them appear and feel brave, when really they are increasingly dangerous cowards seeking to force us all to do exactly what they want, literally now at gun point!
Can you imagine how much easier it would be to compile a dodgy dossier on this basis?
As messrs Cambell and Tony B Liar found, one can come unstuck when one invents stories of missiles and chemical weapons plants because once you invade, you have some explaining to do when it turns out you made it all up and they simply don't exist.
The great thing about cyber attacks is you can claim that some enemy is pointing some awesome cyberweapon at you and after the invasion you only have to find a laptop and you're home and dry.