Bad facebook people are also organising Post Rapture Looting...
In case you hadn't heard, Judgment Day is pencilled in for 21 May and any Christians among you who hadn't made provision for your pets' wellbeing after the Rapture had better pull your fingers out before you take your place at God's right hand and your poor moggy is left stuck here on Earth staring at an empty bowl. Make no …
...do not experience time. They attach to time, like a rider on a streetcar.
Matter is bundles of photons, dancing in specific orbits. The indivitual photons within each particle continue to attach to time, but cannot travel with time because other photons are being pulled by time in other directions. Thus, to a rock or human, time "passes." Another effect we feel, is that a bit of time becomes held back by all the "hooked on" photons, creating the feeling of gravity.
A universal superbeing would need to be composed of photons. Individual photons can be very big, certainly as big as the universe. A being made of photons would experience all the universe, but would experience time in a Santa Clausian fashion.
But, just in case, I have created a PayPal button on my home page to take care of the adorable doggie.
I have a vague memory of seeing a programme concerning some eccentric Texan oil millionaire, who was utterly convinced that on the millennium, treasures would be found in some part of Israel. He was therefore trying to buy up huge areas of what to all intents and purposes was useless desert, to the complete bemusement of the Israeli government (who were pretty sure it was completely worthless, but were unable to bring themselves to sell to a foreigner who might, just might know more than they did).
Anybody remember the guy?
The people who cooked this up must have thought: "I have a plan so cunning if you gave it a tail you would call it a weasel!"
This is such a brilliant way to get money out of people. Even if the believers in the rapture wake up rather bemusedly on May 22, you can still say: You simply paid an insurance premium, we will pay out (in the form of pet care) when judgment day does arrive.
And we are afflicted with someone claiming to a god, insisting we are doomed, doomed in 2012 who for once, is not a greenie alarmist or Obamas treasurer. Now there is a "save the pets rescue offer" market.
Nice to see some humour taking the mickey out of the so serious devotees of a recent belief, say only 150 years old.
I'm doing a special right now on Satanic Horde Repellent. Four cans for a fiver, ten for a tenner. Lifetime guarantee!
Also whether intentional or not, the phrase "up the heaven" is full of win. I just have an image stuck in my head now of Jesus turning up in a rickety Routemaster with a fag hanging out his mouth, saying: 'Op in then.
Will Paris be "taken up the heaven"?
I imagine that there might be some marriages (civil or otherwise) that might well be of one Atheist and one Christian.
I ask you - what happens to the Atheist that is left behind - who's going to look after them? Who's going to ensure the fridge is stocked up and the phone-bill paid (else we cannot order in our pizza)?
It seems that modern Christians no longer have faith that their God has thought of everything. And if you have so little faith, you'll be left behind on the big day. So you can take care of your pet yourself you miserable sinner.
By the way ... is it a sin to extract cash from gullible fellow-believers?
I don't think so, as long as you take the money in good faith and genuinely care about pets. You're offering someone peace of mind, which is a much better product offering than, say, Windows Vista and a pre-installed crapware bundle on a PC with 0.5Gb RAM. In the unlikely event of the Rapture during the pet's lifetime (or yours if shorter), with both yourself and the insured pets being left behind on a survivable earth, you'd use best efforts to look after the pet(s).
It's a perfectly ethical insurance policy. Unless you get a lawyer to write it, and he puts in the usual disclaimers about force majeure and acts of God. Hmmm, must find out, where and what did Dante envisage for lawyers?
"take your place at God's right hand"
Lester, I'm baffled over the term 'God's right hand'.
As, it seems, most of various gods followers are promised a seat which leads to one or two questions both of which seem to require a multi-dimensional solution.
Either God (faith not specified) has an infinite number of right hands or the 'One True Hand' is more akin to an electron with its ability to be in all places at the same time. If, though, there is one God and one right hand in a standard 3 or 4 dimensional set up (we'll ignore the others) won't there still be fighting between all the millions and millions of 'chosen few' as they bicker over who has the right to be on the right hand.
All I can say is thank fuck (I have more personal experience of that than any god) I'm left handed.
Not a problem - you're assuming God is standard human size. As creator of the universe he can have a right hand 1000 miles across if he wants to - so plenty of room. Or, being dead and therefore insubstantial, everyone would fit on the same spot. Mind you, I doubt that there would be sufficient qualifiers to make it an issue.
This is one of those 'expect the unexpected things'... since the rapture is by definition unexpected, it can't really be expected, can it. So, the mere idea that some Christian will expect it at that date, will almost ensure that it doesn't. However, if they expect that it doesn't, because some expect that it does, than of course, it might.
In any case, I'd keep the money.
This is Harold Camping's second attempt at foretelling the end of the World. As the Bible says - get a prophecy wrong and your out, so I shouldn't worry too much about his claims since they are certainly not Christian. You might want to note as well that Jesus himself said that no one knows the date, so Harold is hardly a Christian to emulate.
It's only a very small amount of mainly fundamentalist christians who believe in the rapture.
Catholics certainly don't believe in it. The “fundamentalist” interpretation of the Rapture doctrine has been rejected. It shouldn't be taken literally.... John Paul II: “We know that the apocalyptic images of the eschatological discourse about the end of all things should be interpreted in light of their intense symbolism.”
Not that this should stop people who worship themselves from insulting everyone who follows a religion.
Since that whole 'unforgivable sin' business is not part of Catholic doctrine, if they're right, these atheist pet-sitters could be dragged into heaven anyway. To paraphrase Salma Hayek "Leave it to the Catholics to destroy.... any chance of kitty getting fed."
Course, it could be all part of the divine plan. "Locusts" and "pestilence" could have been a mistranslation of "vindictive cats" and "smelly litter boxes."
Reminds me back in the days of 1980 Mike warnkie was on christian talk radio and would get call-in to his show ridiculing him.
Mike Professed to be an ex grand dragon of some satanic cult turned christian and Harlod Campings show came on after Mikes crazy show.
Harold gave 5 other times not just 1 other time that the earth was to be doomed very soon.
It was a major let down when Y2k came to pass and nothing happened.
Personnally I don't believe in the Rapture, at least not in the traditional sense. I think the whole thing is based on misunderstanding a few Bible verses dealing with the second coming. But even if I did I could guarentee it's not going to happen on May 21 based on a single verse.
"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,[a] but only the Father."
So basically if someone says it's going to happen on such and such a day and truely believes it then that's not the day. Too bad though. I've been looking forward to Christ's return most of my life. I'd be ecstatic if I actually believed that day was less than a week away.
Okay, so what remedies are the faithful proposing should their predictions be proven false and the rapture DOESN'T happen on Saturday?
May I humbly recommend a departure in the venerable tradition of the Heaven's Gate faithful? I mean, they've provided for kitty anyway. Seems a shame to let all that planning go to waste.
this word is used by people who are crooks,want make their fellowmen their slaves and make them lick their feet, enjoy all vices with impunity,commit all crimes without punishment and amass money and power and enjoy the warmth of the throne for ever thinking and pretending they are super humans.hell with such crooks.the only religion is love,truth and justice for all beings.this is not achieved by imposing any false dogmas by religious crooks. keep away from all preachers from the pulpit, who boast the keys of the kingdom are with them ,they are the wholesale agent of god.they are always gnashing their teeth are as they feel insecure.