Please stop using stupid new words.
I know I'm pissing in the wind here, but thought I would have a go for laughs.
The Reg has a very bad habit of reusing stupid words it thinks are cute in its articles.
freetard was a previous gem, and now its fondleslab.
First of this sounds like something pedophiles would use,
Second its a little confusing especially when you insist on using it in Article HEADLINES 3 times a day.
Great you invented a new word... go call Webster and stop pushing it on the rest of us. Its a touch pad, its been a touch pad or touch screen (or Tablet PC even) for oh about 20-30 years or so, since the old palms, newtons etc.. THERE IS NO NEED FOR A NEW WORD HERE.
Instead I see "duh blah blah FONDLESLAB!!!" and have to think oh another tablet pc article....sigh.
Regspeak can be cute when its smart... here it is not, and it sounds more and more stupid the more you use it.
P.S. loved the word freetard actually, the Reg authors just used it entirely wrong.
A freetard is obviously a person things that things that are not supposed to be free, should be because they think so. Freetards have a myopic or retarded view on ownership and value, and so its apropos. However, the Reg blithely used this term to describe almost anyone who was in support of Open source software, or proponents of public and fair use. This just made the Reg look stupid.
Please no more stupid, no more "fondleslab" its not cute, its just annoying.