Mostly completey wrong..
>>it's not like it's a huge shock
Really? Last time I was caught speeding was on those nice Autobahns you mentioned. From doing around 220kmh (not unusual), I came round a corner and into a 100kmh limit, the speed camera was about 200-300m after the speed limit. I was doing about 115km when the flash went off. Of course I could have braked a lot harder when I saw the sign but that would not have increased anyone’s safety.
Just for the record, this was nearly 20 years ago; I don't make a habit of gather tickets.
>>no, they're crying that they can't do 50 in a 40-posted area.
Nope, never heard that one. Most people I know of get caught out for having a little bit of variability in their speed, not for racing like a nutter.
>>I never understood the speed camera fuss
Simplez, they don't catch (hardly) any dangerous drivers and don't make the roads safer, contrary to their stated purpose.
>>you'll have an average speed camera system on every single junction
Which will absolutely zero effect on the number of accidents.
>>4 lanes and the tarmac quality of the German Autobahn's
You have been to Germany?? Many of the Autobahnen are two lanes and they would rather put up a sign for "Spurrillen" (ruts) than actually fix the road.
>> pulled out and changed lanes twice in order to creep past me
Possibly because you have your eyes firmly glued to the speedo instead of watching where you are going??? It always amazes me, the number of people who think driving under the speed limit is a sufficient condition to make them safe drivers. I can of course only assume that this is why you are so fixated on this single issue and don't mention anything else at all.