Why Apple got flack
@Fred Flintstone I agree with most of what you say but not at all this ... "but Apple doesn't actually do anything with that data - it's interesting they got the flack despite being the one out of the three that have as yet to show any signs of abusing personal data."
Apple got flack because:
(1) The data was collected at all. People were annoyed it was collected at all and they were annoyed that once collected, the data could then be used and abused by 3rd parties.
(2) Its right that *everyone* collecting this data gets flack. Therefore its not just Apple at fault. Any company doing what Apple did are also wrong.
(3) Apple applied for a patent which showed their intention to use this data.
Also point (3) invalidates any claim this was just a "tracking bug", because they intended to use this tracking data.
For example, Apple's Patent Application *in their own words*:
There in Apples own words, they show their intention to use this data. Lets see Apple fans close their mind to that fact. It shows Apple's attempts to call this a bug is a lie and a very annoying lie at that. It was intentional to collect this kind of data because they intended to use this kind of data. Test code or not for that list, their patent shows *they intended to uses exactly this kind of data*.
Therefore Apple have multiple reasons to deserve flack, so its annoying any attempt to down play that flack.
But as usual I can see on here Apple fans showing all too typically how they close their mind as soon as they read anything critical of Apple. That same criticism of data collection applies to all companies who collect this location data, but Apple fans all too often show they only assume people are being critical of their beloved Apple.
At the same time us non-fans are getting sick of the Apple fans all too often subjecting us to their superior gleeful condescension over everyone who doesn't get what Apple are trying to do. Bullshit because (A) we are sick of suffering the superior gleeful condescension and (B) we saw what Apple were doing and we didn't like it, the same as we didn't like what Google done and what TomTom done in selling their data.