@Andy Jones
@Andy Jones: Well, it's obvious to me you're a PS3 fanboy.
1. Where's your card reader?
2. Where's your Other OS?
3. Where did all your 4 USB ports go?
4. Why have Sony released firmware that breaks stuff like stopping the Blu-Ray drive working?
5. Why do the lasers and drives keep failing?
6. Why can you STILL not FULLY install games to your PS3 HDD without jailbreaking it? Even then all games don't work, I've done it, I have a Slim as an unwanted present.
7. Why do 99% of games that say 1080p on the box only do 720p? On a Sony TV as well as others?
8. Where's your PS1/PS2 Backwards compatibility gone with physical discs? They charge a fortune for ANCIENT PS1/2 games on PSN to screw yet more money out of you!
9. The build quality of the Slim is utter shit. The cooling fan itself is a tiny cheap plastic one as opposed to the massive metal one of the FAT, but then you wouldn't know that, you're a user fanboy and not a technician.
I can go on, I repair these things on an intimate board level. The 3D is a load of shit. The firmware that was released to make the PS3 magically 3D when the FAT was still in production is bollocks. It was jittery and didn't have the proper hardware 3D support until the Slim. And the Slims are still failing today due to heat and dodgy blu-ray lasers and control boards, whereas Microsoft learned their lesson. Installing the FULL game to my 360 HDD so the drive doesn't need to be used, and full 1080p res in dash and game was enough of a selling point to upgrade from Premium to S for me when they added it in with bigger HDD and Wireless N. The console got better and better over the years once MS realised, I can't say the same for PS3. Sony just shrunk the case, whereas Microsoft shrunk chip die sizes, combined CPU & GPU, add to that improved the cooling.
The PS3 is alsodifficult to program for,and I quote Gabe Newell of Valve, "The PS3 is a total disaster on so many levels, I think it's really clear that Sony lost track of what customers and what developers wanted". He continued "I'd say, even at this late date, they should just cancel it and do a do over. Just say, 'This was a horrible disaster and we're sorry and we're going to stop selling this and stop trying to convince people to develop for it'"
Blu Ray is OK. It's slow for games, they take AGES loading because of the too-high density so the PS3 IS NOT good for gaming unless you have a sleeping bag handy waiting for loading. But then if you'd actually USED a PS3 and 360 side by side rather than being a forum know-it-all you'd know, wouldn't you? Blu-Ray is good for movies and backups, that's it. I'd rather use DVD and have quick loading times. Microsoft did make mistakes, I never said they didn't, but they learnt their lesson in the end, we are HUMAN, the console has never been fully hacked unlike the PS3 so it goes to show security.
And finally. The 360 still has ALL IT'S ORIGINAL FEATURES! What does your PS3 still have after all these years? The only reason Blu-Ray won the format war was because Sony backhanded everyone with money and threatened court action to jump ship from HD-DVD!
Case Closed.