It's about damn time!
Google has released a new Google Docs application for its Android mobile operating system, hoping to facilitate both the editing and sharing of documents via its online word processing service. Now available from the Android Market, the app lets you search for and open files stored across your Google account, and it offers …
eh? you read The Register for long? If so, you'd know that they were mainly Apple fanbois (I'll even use their term here ;-) ) - did you not see the iOS App of the week? The continual dripping of pointless Apple news (iPhone 4 now in white...ho hum). Theres little time or love for Android - or google - check the archives for their rather bitter rebuke of google - chocolate factory :-)
They've done a great job with the OCR recognition, took a blurry image of some small italic text from a text book next to me and it got around 97% of it all correct; the only bits it fell down on were some special characters which were formatted weirdly.
Great for snapping shots of documents to come back to later on your computer; who does word processing on a mobile anyways?!
I would even go as far as making use of Google's own creative approach to copyrights and say:
El Reg's commenters are described as mindlessly bureaucratic, aggressive, having "as much sex appeal as a road accident" and the writers of "the third worst comments in the universe".
The second is of course Engadget's, who make an "Ode to a Small Lump of Green Putty I Found in My Armpit One Midsummer Morning" seem like a research article for Nature by comparison, or of course the worse of them all are the comments in Gizmodo from which I can't even cite examples lest I'd have to kill myself.