back to article Man arrested wearing hair scrunchie on short and curlies

A Californian man staged a dirty protest in a police cell after he was arrested half-naked in a cemetery. Shawn Batie, 42, was nabbed in a boneyard near the town of Lodi, in California's Central Valley, after police were called to investigate reports of a half-naked man "yelling in the dark". They found Batie "standing in the …


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  1. John Smith 23


    and the IT angle is ?

    there is usually an attempt to give one !

    1. Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

      Re: hmmmmmm.....

      Oh, Christ.

      1. hamcheeseandonion
        IT Angle

        Re: hmmmmmm.....

        Never mind young Sarah, these things (I hesitate to ascribe any form of sentience here) are sent to try us.

        Put the Sarah "Fist Of Death" Bee persona back in its wee padded cell for the moment.

        Oh and even neglected to use the proper here it is

    2. The Beer Monster


      It's in Bootnotes. No IT angle required.

    3. Adam West

      re: hmmmmmm

      Is 23 your IQ, John?

    4. BristolBachelor Gold badge

      IT angle

      BOfH has finally snapped...

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Read the article thoroughly

      You will noticed that IT is part of genITals

  2. s. pam
    Paris Hilton

    Them Whacky 'Mercans

    What will they do next to try to get a chance at bedroom golf go with Paris?

    PS> She said the reply was tiny, like the offender!

  3. Winkypop Silver badge

    @ hmmmmmm.....

    Oh dear, these young ones are slow to learn....

  4. Suburban Inmate

    Smeared "mess" on the walls, eh?

    Could have been worse.

    Could have been Lawrence Llewellyn-Bowen.

  5. John Sturdy


    Wearing an Oakland Raiders jacket? Horrific. Won't somebody think of the children?

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I have but one question

    what colour was the scrunchie?

    1. ravenviz Silver badge
      Thumb Up

      Re: I have but one question

      I only realised when you asked that I had imagined it to be purple!

  7. Peter Clarke 1

    Police are slipping

    I spotted at least two 'justifiable' actions that could have earned him a tazering!

    1. BristolBachelor Gold badge

      two actions?

      I can only see one 'justifiable' action...

      Being in range of the tazer :)

  8. Velv

    Oakland Raiders Jacket

    He sounds like a typical Raiders fan to me :)

    (Mine's the Chargers jacket)

  9. Mazer

    Come on, double entendre people!

    "Shawn Batie, 42, was nabbed in a boneyard near the town of Lodi"

  10. Anonymous Coward

    Aye, aye.

    What's going on here Master Batie...?

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