Opportunity Knocks ...... and Smashes Windows to Smithereens
"The VMC appliances do not include the cost of the hypervisors, which you need to license from VMware or Citrix."
And if VMC also supplied/sponsored/edutained their own fleet of hypervisors, would they have complete and absolute control of the Real to Virtualisation Stack for Virtual Machinery Command and Control ...... and the likes of a VMware and a Citrix would be needing to purchase licenses to avail themselves of the performance hike which ..... well, the VMC appliance is really a SMARTer Cloud Crowd Controller, is it not?
And way out ahead Leading in Virgin Alien Territory ..... Virtual Team Terrain?
A question asked here of VMC for El Regers to know of the Heady State of Great Game Play Today ...... as IT Delivers Silent Hawkers with Super Stealthy Advanced Virtual Machine Ware for Global Operating Devices Use.