Aaah...Friday off, the sun is (almost) out...Shops, here we come!
Now....where the hell is Episode 3???
“The best solution to a problem,” says GLaDOS, “is usually the easiest one.” She's right, of course. But then she always is. Portal players know all too well how inadvisable it is to disagree with Aperture Science's sociopathic AI caretaker, but it's surprising how often her maxim proves true during the sequel to Valve's much- …
I have finished it in single player, but have not begun coop yet.
The sp game is good, if maybe a little short for a full priced game.
Unfortunately, there are no advanced or challenge levels like the first game, so replayability is limited, which is a shame.
No doubt mods and DLC will remedy these situations in the longer term but a little more replay value while I waited for friends to buy it would have been nice.
steven merchant.
seriously valve, why did you pick such a divisive figure? for everbody who loves merchant and gervais and their brand of 'humour' and 'acting' i can find 10 people who would rather be kicked in the testicles than listen to their childish 'ironic' prattle and sub am-dram performances
Not necessarily. That whole thing is left intentionally ambiguous, as the only indication is the voice at the beginning saying "you have been in isolation for 99999bzzzt days" which could just as easily be an error as it could be accurate.
Also it'd have to only be a handful of years at the most for the Half-Life tie ins to be meaningful.
Absolutely love the game, but with two niggles:
* SP campaign was too short (I finished it in a little over 6 hours, and I didn't feel I rushed - I have started a second run, though, to find the last two achievements)
* None of the puzzles felt nearly as hard as some of the ones in Portal; I was always hoping for a large mind-bender near the end, but it wasn't delivered
The story was worth it, though, I hope they find something to continue for a Portal 3, and all of the voice acting was perfect.
Can't wait to get some coop fun going :)
... and all this frikkin' hoopla about merchant is really getting on my tits.
Fact is, it works bloody well, adding an extra dimension of slightly batty comedy which actually serves to make the entire game more unnerving when coupled with the dark humour of Glados.
If anything, I found the intro levels with the american male voice-over off putting - fortunately, that's a minor section of the game.
But I'm only on level 10 - savouring this game, rather than playing it all in one big splurge - altho I admit, the missus has something to do with that :)
The game is so extremely polished, it makes you smile. Every detail, right down to the menu system, makes you smile.
It detected my system specs from the get-go, giving me a perfect frame rate.
The loading between sections is exceptionally fast.
Heck, Valve have outdone themselves with this game, however, warning ...
If you can't think laterally, you probably won't like it or will scuttle off to a 'cheat sheet', which kinda takes the point of the whole exercise.
More GLaDOS at last, I've missed her. Surely one of the best videogame villains of all time. I've completed it twice so far, and am considering a third time. A second playthrough is worthwhile for the developer commentary, which is something I'd like to see more devs include.
Finished the SP game on the very same day as it was released. A mere 6.5hrs playtime.
Finished the co-op the day after, with my best friend.
A very short game, limited replayability, but, its actually fun while you are playing it. Ellie McLaine does an awesome job of voice acting GLaDOS, as always. Wheatly... Needs... To... Die...
Never have I heard a more annoying "can't quite place where I've heard that voice before" voice, and sadly it wasn't till I read these comments, that I worked out why. Steve Merchant. It had to be, I guess.