To misquote Gen Melchett...
"I dont care if he's been buggering the Duke of York with a prize winning leek - he queered my facebook..."
Oh, am I getting tired of all this.
I get off the train with my girlfriend - and its "ooh look, a couple of dykes" - before we even manage to get two feet on the platform..
I mention I lost my partner to cancer to a female friend - and get the usual 'soppy-pseudosympathy-look' and the 'what sort of cancer did he die of' - and then I mention that he, was a she, and said girl transitions into the traditional "OMG! a lesbian, shes gonna throw me down and ravish me" look faster than The Hamster spunks over a Lexus LMA...
Not to mention the UK Census - um hate to tell you this people, but most human beings have a sexuality outside of marriage/civil partnership - its possible to be single AND gay/bi/lesbian/K9/horse/donkey etc (*delete as applicable). Oh yeah, and the trans/intersex community have been around since the human race existed.. so you might want to remember that when creating the questions...
Please will someone with half a brain inform the dickwits and god botherers (of all discriminations - oh sorry i mean denominations) that just because its on a computer screen and was invented by a college nerk who has all the social graces of Baldricks left testicle - that there is such a thing as equality laws.
Personally I have no problem with practically anything as far as relationships go - I dont care what you do to whom/what as long as its not terminal/seriously harmful and is consenting. But what really makes me sick are these people who hide behind "religion" and "morals" and winge about gays/lesbians and the rest of the wonderful rainbow of human relationships... when its generally been proven scientifically that they're wingeing because they're just like the people they're targeting - but are too much of a spineless godbotherist to actually realize that waking up to someone you love and desire is the point of life - it doesnt matter whether they're the same gender or a different gender - hell, I dont really give a monkeys that one of my close friends 'boyfriends' has four legs and reports to the vet when he needs a check up...
it is no skin off my pert and pretty nose that she chooses to have a relationship with an entity who's contribution to a conversion is basically 'woof' - and can lick his own nuts clean...
Actually - compared to a lot of men thats a step up to be fair... and I speak from some experience. I think Mehmet - or "peanut boy" as he became known - was the worst experience..
Please, homophobes et al, stop throwing your toys out of the pram because you cant get over yourselves and join in with the rest of us in the wonderful tapestry that is the human sexuality...
After all you never know what you are going to be next time around...
NEWSFLASH: Westboro Baptist Church member reincarnates as Amoeba ...
now wouldnt that be apt...