tons and tons...
I used to be a bench engineer for a company that did about 1/3 of european warranty repairs for one of the big named mfrs.
the <nudge-nudge wink-wink> deal was:
10 you bought a new lappie,
20 took the extended warranty.
30 destroyed said lappy when warranty was nearing expiry date.
40 got replacement lappie.
50 goto 20
the cost of the warranty was not a lot less than the cost of the machine
punters feel good, cos they got one over on 'the man' and an upgraded lappie every few years. (okay this relies on lusers inability to count)
we were happy, everyone kept their jobs and occasionally got a funny story to tell down t' pub (laptop fell in a bucket of turps anyone??)
MFR was happy, they got to shift boxes and stay in the top 1/2/3/4 slot
the only quibbles were - damaged screen (aka closing\slaming the lid with a pen left on the kbd) spills on the kbd (for pitty sake not 4 day old milk... again) which were damage, beyond that pretty much anything was accepted as accidental.